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Everything posted by jff

  1. Well, they probably aren't. And it isn't a bad thing. I think it's entirely natural for good musicians to need more than one project to be completely fulfilled...if complete fulfillment is even possible.
  2. Yeah, much more famous than Robert Pollard or Walt Mink. It must've been kind of strange to be that guy.
  3. I had no idea Kim Thayil was in Wilco.
  4. I like when bands do that. I used to have some Pearl drums back when Riot Grrrls were all the rage, and I changed the Pearl logo on the bass drum head to say Prrrl. Dorky, I know.
  5. Nice rearrangement of his amp logo from ORANGE to ANGER.
  6. Both those songs are cool, I've just seen them play those every time I've seen them (except I don't recall them playing Working Man on the Presto tour) and I'm burned out on them. Other songs that they play every time seem to have a little more staying power.
  7. I wish they'd drop this song and Working Man. They've both become bathroom/beer break songs.
  8. Did anyone see the 2112/Moving Pictures Classic Albums documentary on VH1 Classic during RUSH Hashanah last week? http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=145145 I don't get that station, or I'd have watched. The Classic Albums series is excellent. Can't wait for this one to show up on netflix.
  9. I'd love to go, but my funds are tied up in a trip to see Pee Wee Herman in NYC in November.
  10. I saw him do Greendale (without the stage show, since the stage turned out to be too small). I enjoyed the show and respected them for what they were doing. There was some animosity towards them from the "just play the hits" portion of the audience.
  11. Rush is a band that, numerous times throughout its history, has name checked various bands they were interested in. Early on, they were into Zeppelin, Yes, etc. Then in the late '70s/early '80s they started mentioning bands in their interviews such as XTC, Talking Heads, The Police, etc. Unfortunately, in recent years you'll hear them talking about such bands as Our Lady Peace, Vertical Horizon, etc. Pretty uninspiring stuff, which surely has had an impact on their own output.
  12. I regret missing that one. Back then I was in a period in which I was in denail about my Rush fandom (I must've been hanging out with cool people, or something ), and was more of a Primus fan. My brother was there. He wasn't familiar with them at the time, and when I asked him about the show his only comment about Primus was "way too much bass."
  13. Was that the tour Primus opened? I missed that, but I might have been at that Dead show.
  14. A Farewell to Kings Hemispheres 2112
  15. Or the bouncy rhythms of New World Man? Rush's newer music is almost never fun sounding. That's a shame.
  16. When I first read this I thought you were wrong about the "centerpiece song" thing, but the more I think about it, the more sense it makes (although I disagree with you about them using Jacob's Ladder as part of a ticket sales ploy). There aren't any other rarely played songs that come to mind that could serve the "cenetrpiece" role, except for maybe Hemispheres or some of the Caress material, and they've never seemed too keen on playing that material. They could continue pulling the full album gimmick if they're looking for carrots to dangle in front of their fans. I'd be more likely to g
  17. Well, in the Stones' defense, they don't have much of a choice since everyone from band, to their crew, to venue security have to be on the same page as to exactly when the 200 foot long bridge is going to spring out from the main stage to the tiny stage in the middle of the floor.
  18. Yes, of course. Usually. (For example, I'm hoping to hear Rattled by the Rush at the Atlanta Pavement show. I wouldn't say it'll "make my night", but it'll just make my night better to some degree.) Absolutely...there's no excuse for this from any band. (The closest I've come to this is King Crimson. They added one song to the encore and very slightly altered the order of songs in the main set.) No, unless the new album is their best album. I like a solid mix of old and new.
  19. Saw this in the library and was very reluctant to check it out, but it's turned out to be the most entertaining reading I've done in a long time. In some ways, this is the exact same book as Angela's Ahses.
  20. I'm hoping to pick this one up on my lunch break. I'm seeing them tonight.
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