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Everything posted by aricandover

  1. if you don't already have them, you should pick up seasons 1 & 2 of SNL. pure gold, with some musical acts getting 4-6 songs.
  2. one of the funniest skits ever.
  3. Jeff also did the score for the film.
  4. yeah, different recording and a different singer.
  5. I'll bet, the animation is beautiful and really stays true to Cooke's style.
  6. Gilbert Gottfried, as a horse plugging his upcoming gigs was hilarious.
  7. aricandover


    wow. I must be out of touch with what's considered funny
  8. aricandover


    ugh, that Andy Samberg guy annoys the shit out of me. I don't find him funny at all.
  9. "Lullaby For Rafters and Beams", was originally used in the short film, Zamboni Man so I asssume it has something to do with a hockey arena.
  10. I wasn't at the show, but I did listen to the NPR stream. It sounded like they were broadcasting a B-/C+ grade audience recording.
  11. me too. I thought it was a good interpretation of the series/graphic novel.
  12. we used to skate (board) down there.
  13. Lemmy and Shane are in a movie together, Eat the Rich
  14. 2 diazepam per 6 hours of flight.
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