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Posts posted by jhh4321

  1. I recorded an album and on it is a cover of Wilco's Misunderstood. I know a lot of you dislike it when people post links to their bands, but I thought since I have been posting on here for about a year and since it is semi-Wilco related, it could be acceptable.


    That said, I would say this is a fairly unique cover of the song. It is mostly piano based, with lots of keyboard sounds and such. It is not word for word, and some verses were left out.


    Should be the third song in the player:


    My Cover of Misunderstood


    Thanks for taking a listen. (The rest of the songs are all originals)


    nice tunes, i actually think the wilco cover was my least favorite of the bunch, all very nice though.

  2. He's the most sane one running for either party when it comes to foreign policy. He's also one of the crazier ones when it comes to domestic policy.


    pretty much my thoughts on him


    although i dont agree with some of the things he says (pro-life for one) people should keep in mind that there is probably not going to be a candidate who you agree with on every single issue. i think he may have a shot, we'll see when voting time comes around, i for one haven't set my mind on anyone (its hard to remember that the election is NEXT november).

  3. I've never had it from a bottle, but Hoegaarden is really nice if you can find it. It's a proper wheat beer (I think it's got orange peel and coriander in too), rather than a lager (as a lot of the other drinks in this thread are), but is mass produced enough for it to not be that hard to find (in England anyway). If you do get it then you better tell your friend the Hoegaarden tadition which is to drink the first one of the day in 3 mouthfuls - that's the rule, so it would be rude not to stick to it.


    As a rule - I'd also say, don't buy anything that is above 6% nor below 4%. If it's below it will taste like nats piss, and too high means you might as well go drinking down the park with all the other tramps (although there are some exceptions to this)


    hoegaarden is pretty widely available in the states in bottle form

    it is a wonderful beer...almost white in color

  4. had some brooklyn breweries beer tonight it was spectacular

    it was still sort of warm and humid tonight in boston so we went for the pilsner

    excellent choice...highly recommend brooklyn breweries if their beers are available in your area

  5. I don't agree with either of you.


    seriously, what does "wasting talent" even mean? no one suggeted andrew bird stop writing songs, stop overthinking things, andrew bird in wilco would be fucking awesome and there are no reasons to deny things like that.

  6. I thought I read somewhere recently that Nels is actually on a bunch of the tracks. If only I remembered where...


    Edit: Here we go: http://www.marinij.com/ci_7155425. It says Nels is on five of them.


    "After the screening, several of the musicians on the soundtrack - Wilco guitarist Nels Cline, who's featured on five tracks, John Doe, "I Think I Saw St. Augustine," and Ramblin' Jack Elliott, "Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues" - performed in an ambitious and entertaining "Dylan Interpreted" concert produced by Stephanie Clarke and Clare Wasserman at the 142 Throckmorton Theatre."


    That would have been fun to see!


    yeah i think all of the songs that are credited to someone and "the million dollar bashers" feature nels.

  7. the term bob dylans beard i think has something to do with growing a patchy beard that bob made famous back in the day (see for example the cover of nashville skyline). i would think that, as people have already stated, it has something to do with being lazy and disinterested.

  8. Treefingers and KidA are the only reasons that album isn't perfect to me.


    I think Treefingers is one the most necessary and perfectly placed tracks ive ever heard on an album. After the first four tracks you need a second to catch your breath and thats what Treefingers is and then you kick right into Optimisitc...its pretty perfect.

  9. Maybe it's because a lot of us try to forget Pavement in the late 90s... *Hums Range Life*


    Terror Twilight is one of my favorite pavement records. Its really good IMO.


    I will agree on you on In Rainbows though. I'm quite not there yet, but soon it could be my favorite radiohead record. I can't believe how good this is.

  10. something about Godrich's sounds got colder. i prefer everything 2000 pre or so i think


    Radiohead - OKC, Kid A

    Travis - the man who

    Beck - Mutations


    i love the sound of these. after that he tended to put to much backwards noise in between tracks - at least The Invisible Band and Sea Change


    everyone forgets pavements terror twilight

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