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Posts posted by jhh4321

  1. There's also a difference between shooting an animal dead and making it fight, which leads to a much longer, more drawn out death.


    I don't like hunting at all, but I still can see a difference between immediate death and a slow, drawn out, torturous one.


    I agree with you for sure, but i also wouldn't be to pleased with a bullet in the head from some Halliburton exec. As someone who owns a dog and gets paid to walk other peoples dogs, I am disgusted by all of this and hope this guy is put wherever he belongs very soon.

  2. As a 19 year old who is quite frequently in possession of alcohol in the state (/commonwealth) of massachusetts, i can sympathize for you.


    I don't think you are in too much trouble, but as the driver I believe you are implied. You may lose your drivers license for a few months, have to pay fine, go to AA, or do community service....but nothing beyond that. I think "summons" are generally only issued for infractions.


    edit: i have no idea how valid any of that is but i would not take it as legal advice

  3. From the sound of it (a.k.a. what i was watching on ESPN Outside the Lines earlier today), it seems like the evidence against Vick is pretty strong. I think the Falcons would be smart to get rid of him now, it would also be smart for Vick to get out of there now and try to keep his ass out of jail, but chances are he deserves to be there.


    While what Vick (allegedly) did was vile, keep in mind it is perfectly legal for people (for example, most of the people in charge of our country) to shoot animals with rifles for fun. I'm no vegetarian but something seems a bit off here.

  4. I read Under the Banner of Heaven a few months ago and it was a good read, as well. He does have a knack for the writing thing, for sure.


    what a great (and saddening) book...dont know how i feel about an into the wild movie though

  5. PSA!


    for those interested: ryan is playing Leno in like...20 minutes on NBC


    edit: they played "two"...sounded really good...was with the acoustic version of the cardinals that Ryan has been touring with recently.

  6. nope, the last shows with LeRoy, were the Bridge school shows in October 2003. then they were off until May 2004, with Pat and Nels in the band.


    was there ever a time where mikael was in the band's live lineup when nels and pat weren't? i know mikael played (at least some part) on AGIB

  7. A Pavement reunion is inevitable. I'd say give it a year or two. Malkmus has a new record coming out around the new year, so that'll put it off for a while...


    I remember hearing some rumors about this at last years bonnaroo after steve played with Sonic Youth (featuring Mark Ibold on bass) but nothing after that. As much as I would love to see these shows I feel like a band as legendary as Pavement would sort of be staining their "fuck the man" legacy. But...I'd definitely go to as many shows as possible.

  8. :lol


    Radiohead albums typically take some time for me to warm up to them and digest, anyway, so I guess I'm not dying of anticipation here. At one point I think I heard some low-fi live recordings of some new songs and was pretty meh about it--but that could have just been due to the lousiness of the recordings. Who knows?


    I saw them live last summer and enjoyed a good bit of the new tracks but I think they will certainly come to life in the studio. This is my most anticipated release in a long time (more so than SBS)...so whens this thing going to finally come out?

  9. What Light is the only Wilco album track that i have heard and said "this is an absolute piece of shit that has little to no artistic merrit."


    My thoughts exactly...except for We're Just Friends and It's Just that Simple (Less Than You Think has really grown on me).


    I used to feel the same way about We're Just Friends but have since then come to love it. Jeff's vocals on that song are killer, at some points he sounds like hes actually about to cry...I dig it.

  10. is amazingly good! A surprisingly stong disc. It more than makes up for the blandness of the last Sonic disc. It's mostly acoustic and is a total departure from anything I've heard from Thurston. It's the most interesting Sonic-related material in many moons. Anyone else loving it??


    i got this a few days ago and its awesome. definitely uxexpected to come from thurston but a very solid album...but i did like the last sonic youth album a lot

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