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Everything posted by gatzman

  1. Zrike! I went here to look as well. A bunch of Craigslist people are out there and I might try that route. GL!
  2. So I did all three nights from the pit. A few thoughts: 1) Wilco is my favorite band. After that it has always been Dead 2a, phish 2b and they flip around constantly. So I am pretty familiar with Trey after years of Phish and knew he would do well with this group. He also can handle the spotlight as well as anyone and I think that mattered somewhat. 2) This whole weekend was about moments. - Moments with friends who you may not have gotten to see Jerry with but you've become close at other shows. - Moments in a city I love seeing a lot of really happy and genuinely kind people just bein
  3. I have 4 for 12/11 - looking for 60 a ticket. Please email - william.gatziolis@gmail.com Thanks, Will
  4. I have two for 12/12 - looking for cost + fees - 65 for each. Please email - william.gatziolis@gmail.com Thanks, Will
  5. Many have alluded to the fun Camera, the "campfire" end, and a few other treats but overall it was more of a sing along than many Wilco shows I've gone to. A few other thoughts: - Nels didn't have a lot of his "show tunes" other than Handshake Drugs which he fucken ripped. I giggled during it - thought it was quite good. - lots of video and photos during the "campfire" section, but that makes sense. What a great end - Magazine live is always fun. My wife loves the tune and I requested it so I get to say I asked for her. Who knows, maybe they did play it for her? - No problem with weed
  6. gr8fulpete - I might be able to help with 4 for 12/11 and 2 for 12/12. email me - william.gatziolis@gmail.com
  7. As of right now, I've reached out to everyone who was first to respond. Sorry all. I'll repost if something falls through.
  8. It is a crazy story but a friend cannot make it and another couple have to sadly go to a funeral. So, I have three tickets for the hardest show to get - 12/6 Saturday. Can email or meet the night of the show - I'll be there with a big group. william.gatziolis@gmail.com Just looking for what I paid for them. Will
  9. Ended up with a couple extra for 12/5 show. Happy to email and paypal or meet on Friday in line at the show. so much easier to email me directly. - william.gatziolis@gmail.com. Just want cost + fees. Thanks all, Will
  10. Missed out on Saturday. Otherwise got the ones I can go to. We'll all find a way to attend.
  11. Sadly, my two day run ended last night as well. Hate it Here isn't my favorite and neither is Hotel Arizona but the show was pretty damn good. A quick note: Magazine is my wife's favorite Wilco song. The melody just seems to put a smile on her face and can always bring her out of a bad mood. So, I requested the song and they ended up playing it. Now, Im not so naive to think they REALLY played it b/c I requested it, but I'm gonna believe it anyway. Did anyone else request it?
  12. Oh I definitely am thinking about it. Had a real hard end of Jan and Feb and ended up having a memorial service before the Saturday show. I debated whether I should go to the show and it turned out to be the right decision. Got a lot of frustration and anger out and ended up with a great deal of joy.
  13. Three of us will be at Matilda's around 545 to get a bite, a drink and watch the line develop.
  14. I most likely have some mon and wed extras to trade for friday or tuesday. Had to try and do the multiple computer multiple day many people across the world trick. let me know if you guys end up with extras as well. going to be a crazy ticket swaping january.
  15. I just picked up two. Happy to help a good cause and look forward to the intimate show.
  16. We were actually standing up and walking out. But - u know, Wilco fans need to be super agressive and pushy because that is exactly the kind of fans we are. Its bush. Either way - you can say excuse me or pardon me when you barrel people over. But, if I was hardcore I would have slept there the night before. Right?
  17. Thoughts on Wilco: Good show. Have not seen them since the fundraiser for New Orleans and really liked the new songs. Had a couple of comments about the fans: 1. Fans that rushed the stage after the Shins concert ought to be ashamed of themselves. They almost ran over multiple people as well as acting like idiots. I had to play traffic cop to stop them from crushing a couple of my friends. Guys - Tweedy will still love you even if you are in the sixth row instead of the fifth row. Seriously relax. 2. But, even saying all of that - I can understand why people wanted to be u
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