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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. Well for us east coasters at least..... Happy 11/11/11 11:11:11!
  2. Peter Buck finally comments...been waiting for him to say something! http://www.nme.com/news/various-artists/60333
  3. I would say the prime minister of Greece or Italy...sure the Penn State thing is horrid but the stepping down from running a major world player platform has more worldly impact than what is going on in Penn State, no?
  4. i am a very casual Bob Dylan fan. I have seen him in concert a few times but don't really own many of his albums. I found Blood on the Tracks in the used record bin for $3. I bought it and played it. I am going through a bit of a tough time now and side two hit me like a ton of bricks...The lyrics are incedible on this album....
  5. Good point..I think all the officals know that jail is a possibility and they are trying to cover themselves...I hear what you are saying though
  6. I went to Penn State 1998-2002. I met Joe and Graham Spanier while there two who are a big part of this case. It disgusts me and is very upsetting that this went on for so long without anything being done. Not sure what the right course of actions is but anyone who didn't persue this further needs to be held accountable. I would have expected more from a school that made me very proud. Update...Supposedly Joe is on his way out? http://www.nytimes.c...tml?_r=3&src=tp
  7. Nice..I bought a friend once the whole rem collect on cds...it cost me $40 after shipping!....REM cds are always cheap used....wish some other bands I am trying to complete had cheaper used cd prices!
  8. I just take things Stipe says with a grain of salt. He always said the band would break up if the 4 of them weren't together...he has also made some other album related and touring comments where he didn't follow through either. They weren't supposed to tour behind Up and they did a year long tour for that album!
  9. I don't know if I belive him..I think 5 yrs or so... http://www.nme.com/news/various-artists/60186
  10. I would put Stay in my top 10 for U2...great classic song! Not sure how someone wouldn't like Stay!
  11. Does anyone think U2 will pull an REM??? http://www.uncut.co....ncut/news/15225
  12. Well problem is I like them enough...but shows in NYC are 2 X the price of most major cities. I don't think I would pay $60 to see them in a so-so venue like Terminal 5...
  13. Count me in...assuming it is reasonably priced..
  14. I want to see them if they come to NYC...curious what type of show they would play size and price here???
  15. Was that the Horde Fest in like 97? I wouldn't count that as opening..it was a festival...I saw that tour and it had Primus, Toad The Wet Sprocket , Leftover Salom...a really wacky combo!
  16. Mine are 1) Bends 2) Ok 3) Hail 4 ) Kid A 5) Pablo 6) In Rainbows 7) Limbs 8) Amnesiac I have been fortunate enough to see Radiohead 10 times. I hear most of what I wanted to by them in concerts..only heard three off of Pablo though which is a bummer because I would still like to hear BLOW OUT live! King of Limbs is growing on me....I like it!
  17. Cool would have loved to see Joy Division...I just got into them in the last 2 years..I am a little late to the party!
  18. Great pick! I was able to catch one of the bands final US shows back in 1999. Sandman was awesome...I wish they were still around. Glad to see a bunch of fellow Morphine fans on here!
  19. I have not seen Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Twilight, Lord of the Rings etc....
  20. Sure whatever you can do will be appreciated!
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