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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/article/reco...-deluxe-edition Not only is Murmur a perfect album I am sure the bonus disc will be awesome. If anyone hasn't heard early REM live performances do yourself a favor and get this set!
  2. Yeah I saw that the other day...I actually just purchased Brotherhood, Technique and Movement cheap (The older version) on half and see there are some bargans on ebay. Will get the other soon too I suppose! Thanks all!
  3. Mende...if you like Frank you should come visit Emily and I! Every morning when I head off to work I drive past Frank's birthplace. I live 6 blocks from it! We also have Frank Sinatra park on the waterfront
  4. One could argue their albums such as Combustication, The Dropper (some songs), and Uninvisible could fall into a funk, electronica or other genre. They're many examples of recent MMW songs that don't fit the Jazz mold at least in my book. I think MMW's last Jazz record was Shackman (excluding Tonic)....
  5. Notes from the Underground (Which I highly recommend!) is a straight up Jazz record from MMW...Tonic and Friday are classics too!
  6. I see New Order released some collector editions of a few of their albums. I have a feeling I would like this band as I am on a 80's Synth kick. Any albums I should start with?
  7. Yikes..thats not fun. I have had a full beer spilled on me at a Bruins Vs Devils game in December when I was visiting my friend in Boston for a few days and that said beer was also spilled all over my only winter jacket which I had to wear for the next few days in the fridged New England outdoors...needless to say I smelled like a drunkard for a few days...
  8. Maybe we crossed pathes yesterday...I was riding the train yesterday after the show. I myself didn't fit the average AC/DC concert goer wearing my kahkis and Jcrew shirt...rock on
  9. Chimay, Hoegaarden, Duvel and Franziskaner Weiss work for me! I am a beer snob...... in terms of domestics I like Sam Adams line....
  10. Well it has almost been three months....merge please!
  11. I know this was done awhile back but I figured now is a good time to share what your avatar pic is of...I can't figure out what quite a few of the pictures are of.... Mine is from when I went to Alaska and I triumphantly crossed the border of the Artic Circle after 10 Hours of flying to Anchorage, a 7 hour car ride to Fairbanks, and a 8 hour van ride on the Dalton Highway! Long trip but worth it!
  12. Odd music day for me yesterday. I saw Paul Simon speak at the Barnes and Nobel in Union Square yesterday. I also picked up a signed copy of his new lyrics book which is neat. Paul played some songs too along with the discuss including the first song He and Garfunkel wrote "The Girl for Me" Which he and Garfunkel made when he was 12! That was quite a treat and I am certian it probably is never played live. Later he talked about the beginings of Sound of Silence and how "Hello darkenss my old friend" was a joke line he wrote because he recorded the song in his parents bathroom with the lights of
  13. I see what you are saying but the insentive to save money dissapears (Sure I would like the artist to get more of the money if that is the case but the other side of it is I rather save the service charge and pocket it myself)...Wouldn't this lead to more traffic on the webpage when the shows go on sale. I hope they put some money into easing onsale internet traffic. Why do I have to wait on a virtual line for minutes?!
  14. I wish I could! 90% of the concert venues in NJ and NYC (MSG, IZOD, Roseland, Maxwells, Mercury Lounge, Irving, Bowery, Webster, Beacon, Hammerstein, Central Park) sell ticketmaster tickets...even when you buy on ticketweb which is some of the other venues they are still owned by ticketmaster...
  15. Disgusting bait and switch from TM again... http://www.brooklynvegan.com/archives/2008...tmaster_ex.html Now there are no insentives to go to the box office. Basically it is the same prices as before just you won't get the initial shock you normally would when you try and check out and purchase the tickets in the final step.
  16. Carrying Cathy, Selfless Cold and Evaporated are other great Ben Fold sad songs...
  17. Kelly and Christy were also the sloppiest players on the show of all time. They never read any of the clues and were helpless. I am suprised they made it so far. Ken and Tina would be my second choice. They seem to play the game right but are not doing anything that stands out.
  18. I am a huge fan of the Amazing Race. I watch it every season (except for that silly family version) anyway I feel no connection to the teams this year. Really no stand outs. That being said I feel Nick and Starr will be the winners. I am usually pretty good at calling the winners(I usually make the call by the third episode). I think I have been right 4 out of the last 6 times...thoughts, opinions...
  19. Jack White said it best! "The Big 3 killed my baby, no money in my hands again"
  20. It is so hard to draw a line I really feel they shouldn't have bailed out anyone....but we are already on the slippery slope....it is going to be hard for the government to say no when all of these essential industries line up for a handout....
  21. I would be pissed if that happened to me if I were in the audience! Then again I wouldn't be at a Darkstar show Guy is from the next town over from me...oye.
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