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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?showtopic=37142 http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/09/25/flatul...e.ap/index.html Update: Charges dissapated like his fart!
  2. Remember the $600 economic stimulus check some of us got...how will this work then? http://www.bloggingstocks.com/2008/09/23/w...3015x1200581868 Estimated cost of the bail out is $4635 per working american!
  3. http://www.wsaz.com/news/headlines/29653059.html
  4. I am truly dissapointed in the Democrats! We have been defeated...gave up without a fight too http://money.cnn.com/2008/09/23/news/econo...dex.htm?cnn=yes
  5. Anyone see this story how McCain doesn't want the press in for Palins visit with foreign leaders! http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2008/...eting/#comments
  6. Nice! Glad you had a good time! Finland rocks! I was there once in March it didn't know what cold was until that day! Helsinki and Tampere were loads of fun! Hope to go back one day!
  7. This is nuts! I hope airlines hedged some oil in the $90 a barrel range a few weeks ago or they will get burried again. The markets are so fishey these days I wouldn't even put my lunch money into the market!
  8. I mentioned him on the first page. I would also add Kelly Jones from Stereophonics!
  9. Yes! Hopefully they will have better on stage security now as a result!
  10. That is a quality screem..Little House of Savages is good too!
  11. Returned! WOOHOO! http://remhq.com/news_story.php?id=894
  12. That stuff wasn't at this recent show.
  13. Wow this must have been scary... http://www.cnn.com/2008/SHOWBIZ/Music/09/2...rash/index.html
  14. A little know band called Ours has my favorite screamer Jimmy Gnecco. The scream at the end of the song Fallen Souls is nuts!! Trent Reznor and Chris Cornell also has some quality screams...
  15. Nice review here...some pics too! http://www.indyweek.com/gyrobase/Content?oid=oid%3A265042
  16. I am quoting myself but wow maybe I should be on the SEC! Go me! http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080919/ap_on_...c_short_selling
  17. I have been seeing Sigur Ros for since 2002 and each and every time it is a different expierence. It still amazes me to this day that a band with esentially no lyrics that anyone can understad that people sit their attentitively and eat up every minute of it. Some of the sounds Jonsi obtains aren't matched by any other bands! For this tour they do not have a string section and you can sense something is missing. Still a brilliant show as always. I still get goose bumps when I hear Vidrar live in the final buildup. Svefn is alway incredible live and there was also a healthy dose of Takk whic
  18. I am thrilled beyond belief to see Echo and The Bunnymen perform at Radio City in October. They are doing Ocean Rain in its entirety with an orchestra! Should be sweet. Anyone seen them before? I only have their box set, Ocean Rain and Crocodiles (What a classic!) anyhoo just wanted to see if anyone else is a fan, has seen them live before or has other albums of theirs to recommend to me!
  19. If the government wanted to save billions of dollars they would have outlawed short selling! This is the easiest thing they could have done to prevent this huge bailouts. Shorts artificially drove down prices on these giants where they couldn't raise capital anymore. Anyhoo my questions is $85 billion for this bailout?! Where does this money come from? Isn't this like half the cost of the Iraq war and magically we have the money to bail them out when we are not in the greatest economic shape right now? I understand the impact an AIG failure would have but where do we have all this money?
  20. I saw that most shows are $90...how can they not have a range of prices? Who wants to pay basically $100 after service charges for a crappy nosebleed. Hopefully I will score a deal on ebay!
  21. I think Don't Believe the Truth was a wonderful album! I hope I like this one as much!
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