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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. Is that Conan O'Brien in the Rep pic in the Tux standing?
  2. Ah nice. Like to bring back a quote from the month of August from Brooklyn when someone requested Black Eye.... Jeff replied "That ship sailed by long long ago"! Guess not!
  3. Aye. I watched about 2 hours of the convention last night. Saw Palin speak. If they did get in I can say safely she would be a better vice president than Cheney! Anyway I can sum up my thoughts on the 2 hours I watched easily. I tried to think about all the points they made and summarize them to the best of my best ability but I couldn't. All I remember from the 2 hours of speaches is whats the difference between a pitbull and a hockey mom? (Lipstick) and The Drill Baby Drill chant! The only line besides those that stood out that I agree with is when Guiliana questioned if Palin would have en
  4. If they just play the album the show would clock in at 50 min. I am sure they will play more! Regrets live though is freakin awesome!
  5. http://www.benfolds.com Ben Folds Five Playing the full Reinhold Messner live in Chappel Hill! Some one go for me and report back here I am jealous! I haven't seen BFF in 8 years and I miss their live shows dearly!
  6. Charlatans are the most criminally underlooked bands on the whole! Some Friendly is awesome though Up to Our Hips and 10Th and 11th are my favorites!
  7. Word! I think it is wild that we also have Obama born in Hawaii, Palin from Alaska and McCain born in Panama. Talk about canadates not from the lower 48!
  8. I love his answers to the reporters questions.... http://www.time.com/time/politics/article/...1836909,00.html
  9. Did you read the part about that the savings would be 50 total pounds of weight on the plane?! That's one suitcase in weight difference!
  10. Who has crazier hair..David Pirner or Gary Louris? Good luck!
  11. Come on now really! Just charge everyone a buck or so in the ticket price and cut out this insanity! http://www.cnn.com/2008/TRAVEL/08/28/airli...s.ap/index.html
  12. Will be in Hotlanta! Gustav STAY AWAY!
  13. Not familiar with the Trotteria. I have only been to Westfield maybe 5 or so times. There are a few good restarants in town that I have been to that were great though!
  14. Sure is! The house we like is about 1000 feet from the Westfield border in Scotch Plains! Small world. I love Westfield too! Great town! Thanks for the offer for help!
  15. My current lease is up mid Feb. I am hoping to close by Jan the latest so I do have time to prep and buy furniture etc.
  16. $5k is a bargin! Most modest homes in Northern NJ taxes are between $7,000-12,000 a year! Most expensive in the nation The one we are interested has taxes of $9800 a year
  17. Yikes. This is the type of stuff that scares me. Stuff I never heard of. Hopefully my home inspector will be on the ball with this stuff! Thanks for the heads up. Oooh...good luck on Thursday! Where you moving to?
  18. ed 1 I hope not! I am not ready yet....Maybe in 3-5 years but who can plan these things? The realtor we have is pretty good. I figure with time we she will understand our needs and wants 100%. We are a little picky so I admit I am probably a little tough to work with.
  19. Yes I did get prequilified! That definatley helps point me in the direction of what we can afford. I did take tons of notes and some pictures. Good pointers! We did just also secure a buyers agent.
  20. My wife and I are looking at houses in Northern NJ. We are eager and excited. We saw two we like and made an offer on one though it was a low offer. Any specific pointers you can share? I know it is very important to do a title search and inspection. Alrighty anyone have any stories to share?
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