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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. Ha that would be sweet and a good call! I’m not going but would like to hear too far apart one day
  2. Minus 5 featuring Mike Mills and Peter Buck
  3. The things we do for our significant others.. Zac Brown Band
  4. Nice I’m gong in August enjoy let me know how it is?! Oh that’ll be nice!
  5. I feel the opposite nothing grabbed me on the first listen I need to spin it more I guess
  6. Good show as usual with some rarer songs: take me with you, break in the clouds and stick in the mud Tonight I’m having a 1994 night lol got a cheap ticket for our lady peace, live and bush lol
  7. Don’t think bands want to outlay all the money up front for venue rentals the length of a tour. If your a huge act maybe that would be worth it to maximize profits but don’t think others could make that happen
  8. My understanding is promoter pays the venue to rent it they get that fee and then the band gives a cut of merch to the venue and alcohol sales and other food ie is the venues take over the venue rental fee Promoter pays band their fee. If sell out band gets a bonus over their fee So with the platinum seats the promoter is trying to maximize their return they sell the tickets to recoup their outlay for the band and have some leeway on pricing seats probably without much restriction
  9. that’s true everything is negotiable! If you want to see sticker shock compare madonnas nyc show to her Boston show $2500 vs $750 for front for platinum
  10. I’m just telling you my first hand experience and like I said the industry is always changing. It’s very common for every band playing radio city/msg/beacon to have platinum seats like this
  11. Promoter pays the bands fee. I have a couple of copies of contracts from back in the day and didn’t see language on prices that indicated the band dictates the price but like I said it was a long time ago and the industry is always changing
  12. I worked a long time ago in the concert industry and back then we paid the band a fee then it was up to the promoters pricing the tickets. I don’t think the band can put a ceiling on the prices of the tickets but I believe it’s the promoter/venue maximizing their return and not lining the bands pockets.. I might be wrong though
  13. Wow so Radiohead said (per Facebook post this am) this file was stolen and a ransom of $150,000 was asked. They are now releasing it on bandcamp for public consumption for purchase
  14. ha yeah now that you said that I hear it
  15. Wow that’s crazy! Glad you went and had fun too! How was ride’s set? Nowhere is such a great album!
  16. wow and just one kiss color me jealous!
  17. Me too looks like a great setlist to me!
  18. Awesome ride too what a bill
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