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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. Was happy to hear Optimistic again haven't heard that live in probably 15 years.. Good show but really really am hoping for Blow Out!
  2. $50! Try ebay great deals there. Also Ticketmaster released some $59 tickets in the 300s check there too! Section 325 row 1 up right now!!
  3. Couldn’t resist got great deal for tonight for Radiohead so I’m in for 3 of them now at msg!
  4. Yes Jonny is opening the whole usa tour!
  5. Wow you heard Blow Out!! That’s prob the number one song I want to see them play live!!Also, how was Jonny’s opening set?
  6. Nice I’m catching two msg shows next week!
  7. Wow that is neat! Great shot!
  8. Yeah not bad for a Tuesday! ☺️
  9. Wonder how the stage will fit there!? Hope you get some surprises! Enjoy!
  10. Great day today! Accepted a new job offer and a couple hours later this happens
  11. That was me! I had a good spot to do it from I figured why not
  12. No surprises tonight I’mSure nyc sun will get it! View much better tonight
  13. Cool sounds like a fun trip! Enjoy! Got shut out of fenway show in September which I would of traveled for!
  14. Nice! Where do you live? I am a fan of Pearl Jam but I wouldn’t say a huge fan but what I respect so much about them is their setlist. The variety, length and the way they go out if their way to give everyone something they can love in a show! I have seen them 5 or sontimes and every time has been great! Enjoy
  15. Yeah I wish I knew this when I bought tickets back in January thankfully on Friday I’ll be closer to the center
  16. They had a screen but when they were in the center screen stage there was nothing to look at. Also during the e stage it wasn’t on the whole time! Maybe a glitch? When the were on the e stage I could only see maybe 1/3 of that stage. I was also in the 200 level so when they raised the center screens it didn’t go above where I was sitting so it blocked the view. In Newark I’m on Adam’s side upper lever first row almost adjacent to main stage should be a way better view.
  17. Ok so saw U2 last night for the first time on this tour. Band sounded great however this stage baffles me. I was behind the stage but couldn’t see half the show when they were on the e stage. The way it is set up if your not ground level on the sides you miss most the action. The screen blocks I’d say 25% of the arena from watching the full show
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