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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. Show is so good and very unique! I’m going again in September!
  2. Celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary today! Times flying!
  3. Just saw her last night. Put up three videos on YouTube if you search her and music hall. Good show new stuff sounded good although I didn’t get my album yet!
  4. Lunchtime show with Parquet Courts!!
  5. Was a fun show..no regrets..his lyrics on his new solo album are interesting and his playing wasn't half bad considering he doesn't play guitar for the Spin Doctors. Hung out with him after the show nice guy. Best part was it was an easy show, laid back I like these one off's in strange venues.
  6. Just kidding not just you though
  7. I respect that everyone listens differently. I had a hard time when Jay left Wilco but like and appreciate what they done and where they go. The good thing about Wilco there is a little bit of everything for someone to find to enjoy! Happy listening!
  8. Walking distance from my house Chris Barron from the spin doctors used to see him solo ages ago a bunch but haven’t seen him solo in almost 20 years
  9. You folks can’t follow directions says pick one lol
  10. Hey whatever works my curiosity question is there an album you enjoy listening straight through or do you just listen to a song here or there? Also what song, etc made you a fan?
  11. I like the acoustic version a hair better
  12. Sorry I know everyone loves it but I don’t like spiders.
  13. Yeah Iran can now enrich nuclear grade materials again!! Woohoo! *sarcasm*
  14. Elt is the song I like to steering wheel drum the most to. So maybe that’s my favorite?!
  15. Love that they dropped Joshua tree stuff, added two unexpected auchtung songs and even something from pop!! Keep it up!
  16. Awesome they’re one of my recent favorites!
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