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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. In this case I guess it's more for the fans that live close by! I agree I was think about the cost and it would be staggering! As much as a fan as I am with minimal cost involved I am only planning on going to 2 shows!
  2. Not lame if you live 45 minutes away like I do! Can't wait..come to NYC madcap
  3. July 21 July 22 July 23 July 25 July 26 July 28 July 29 July 30 Aug 1 Aug 2 Aug 4 Aug 5 Aug 6 http://phish.com/tours/the-bakers-dozen
  4. Holy dictatorship forming! Spicer tells diplomats to leave if they don't like the ban. Heaven forbid if someone doesn't agree with the Furor. https://www.yahoo.com/news/spicer-tells-diplomats-to-get-behind-the-immagration-ban-or-just-get-out-235644603.html
  5. Kept on hearing about Blind Melon's album soup over the years. I read the reviews on amazon and it was 98% 5 star reviews! Wow that's crazy. Just gave it a listen and it was interesting....anyone like them?
  6. So not only has Trump who lost the popular vote by almost 3,000,000 votes for the election he just had another million more vote against him as 1,000,000 folks in the UK signed a petition to stop him from his upcoming state visit! interesting times!
  7. I ordered one show from the Wicloworld site and the other from ticketmaster. The ticketmaster ones I got weeks ago and still don't have my other order? Anyone get their Beacon Theater tickets yet?
  8. Looks like Bannon is running the show. Treason all around. The stuff they are pulling with the security counsel is frightening.
  9. There is going to be so much civil unrest coming up a revolution is starting
  10. Wow it's getting crazy! They are sending back folks with legal visa from entering the us. Story on CNN now http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/28/politics/2-iraqis-file-lawsuit-after-being-detained-in-ny-due-to-travel-ban/index.html Also look at this! Scary stuff. Let's prioritize one religion over the rest http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/27/politics/trump-christian-refugees/index.html
  11. Hmm don't think I tackled Pearl Jam yet Once Rats Go Brain of J Last Exit
  12. Wow Tinnitus I think you caught Tom Edwards Adam Ant's guitarist last performance he just died.
  13. Oh another breaking news the cry baby in chief just told Mexico pay for the wall or don't come to our meeting.
  14. ^Don't forget most of his staff is using emails on private servers now!!
  15. along with all the other bs I think the American Auto industry is going to collapse under Trump. He said he would impose a 35% tariff for autos incoming over the border..what do you think would happen if we impose a 35% tariff?? A retaliatory tariff ding ding ding! Now that $30,000 car is over $40k...
  16. Peppa is hilarious and has many adult jokes peppered in it. Bubble Guppies is decent too.. Also, my 4 year old son told me he hates music
  17. Keystone and Dakota Pipeline approved is the latest..this will get ugly real fast the new item they signed in North Dakota was if a protest is run over and killed on a roadway the driver may not be responsible..I think we can all see how this will end!
  18. Well Moss your wish came true. New Real Estate just announced
  19. Yep 100% insecure baby and Speicher's an Idiot too
  20. This is a monumental day. After years of waiting and hoping my wish along with many others Americans is coming true. Tonight the best man for the job in the world is going to take the big stage and lead people out of the darkness of the night. Peter Buck is playing city winery tonight and I am glad after all the struggle and strife I finally have something to be hopeful about!
  21. Minus 5 With Peter Buck and Alejandro Escovito.. not a bad night
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