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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. Hey congrats with the baby first timers?? Good to enjoy some music and a night out and I understand fully
  2. Hey Matt did you say $65 for parking!!?!?! I never pay to park outside the Beacon..you could find street parking within 10 blocks or worse case park downtown on the street and take the subway up. Where in Jersey are you from? Im in Scotch Plains..
  3. ^I hear you on the tempo and I also noticed different intro for IATTBYH that a recent thing?
  4. Stinks about back orchestra but Nice for tonight! Hope you get some short folks ahead of you tonight!
  5. Enjoy tonight hopefully back wasn't too noisy yesterday? Hey shoot me your number on messenger I'll send you mine!
  6. Clapton! Lady C I exchange my Clapton for tonight lower level 9th row! I'll see you wed at Wilco
  7. Nice night! Sound was great! Jeff sounded as good as he ever has. Setlist identical to Toronto might 1 except Ashes and minus muzzle ? Schmilco stuff sounded great! Nice to meet knotgreen and worldrecordplayer for the first time. In terms of banter crutches in the air is a sign of a good show! Long long standing ovation after impossible German of which Jeff said I think we'll be alright! Merch was busy and by the time I got there the kids shirt I wants to get for ny 4 year old was gone! Ashes of an American Flag Normal American Kids^ If I Ever Was A Child Cry All Day I Am Try
  8. Wow never knew about the back enterance!
  9. Haven't said this in a few years!! Wilco!!
  10. Didn't see that but in past experience I have never waited more then a minute to get into the beacon
  11. My only comment again is why not more Schmilco songs? Shrug and Destroy, Quarters, Nope, Common Sense?!
  12. Couldn't believe how cheap that was too! I see his acoustic from sukierae tour was $10k!!
  13. What seat you in Saturday I'll try and say hi!
  14. Stubhub is trustworthy and worth it over craigslist because if you get burned you'll get a refund..Still I would check ticketmaster over the next few days/hours maybe a ticket drop!
  15. ^thanks bbop! Trying to catch a 1110 Train so I should be good!
  16. What time did the show end last night? How long have the sets been? Trying to figure out transit for the upcoming NYC shows so would appreciate any info
  17. I ageee I'm curious how tonight's show will go. I think she should own up to it. I enjoy her show normally she is thorough and thoughful but last night wast a good move
  18. ^I'm on the flipside I am 30 minutes from NYC and hour and a half from Philly. There is an overabundance of shows every day of the year. It is hard to pick and choose sometimes. I see everyone I have even slight interest in seeing live because I like live music. I would have a very hard time passing up a band I like big venue or not however I do enjoy the smaller shows usually more..
  19. Wow that U2 story is crazy interesting read
  20. Pyschatric would also be in my top 10 great stuff!
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