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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. And then two more helped me out after that. Hehe. Thank you all.
  2. Perhaps it's a bitrate issue? Anyway, someone in this thread helped me out. Thanks.
  3. Help a brother out? I've done some digging.
  4. I think they're just riffing on the song title. They're calling engenius not smart...
  5. Do you think your cousins wouldn't be as healthy were they in Canada?
  6. The impression I got from the article was that MLB distributes to InDemand, who distributes them to the cable companies. Also, the online package is fucked for a lot of people because MLB considers them to be in-market for five different teams.
  7. Were he to get out tomorrow he still will have spent two years of his life in prison. There is documented institutional racism in the American justice system (whether anyone intends it is another matter and harder to pin down). For instance, blacks are 3 times as likely to be arrested for murder than whites. Now, making the large assumption that this is because blacks are commiting three times more murders than whites, we turn to how they're treated in court. Once in the court system, blacks accused of murder are seven times more likely to receive the death penalty than whites. This yields
  8. It is so obviously a joke. A half-assed one at that (pretty content-poor). The world amazes me sometimes.
  9. The company that distributes the games to the cable companies didn't offer as much to carry the games as DirectTV did. That's all there is to it. However, you may be right that, long term, this results in a smaller number of enthusiastic baseball addicts and thus baseball could lose money on other fronts.
  10. I bet Matt Murton will get more playing time and be more productive than Cliff Floyd.
  11. Sure, pay for play is. Did they make dinners and gifts illegal, though?
  12. Here's an Atlanta Magazine article http://www.atlantamagazine.com/article.php?id=158 onlie petition: http://wilsonappeal.com/petition.php
  13. MLB is trying to clamp down on stations like TBS and WGN playing out of market games. They want to control all out of market broadcasts.
  14. The exploding costs for big pharm are not for research, but for advertising. Television and sales reps meant to grease the hands of doctors.
  15. Right is a loaded term. I think all Americans should have access to healthcare, yes.
  16. I heard the first song from this album on All Songs Considered today. I liked it.
  17. Milton Friedman said that doctors shouldn't need a license to practice. After all, the market will sort out the good ones from the bad.
  18. WASHINGTON - Sen. John Kerry has decided not to run for president in 2008, a Democratic official says. Ok.
  19. 4th outfielder/backup first baseman. They traded Ross Gload, after all. If he's healthy, I'm sure that he'll be better than Mackowiak as a backup centerfielder (not sure how much they're planning on playing him there). Neither of them has any kind of speed, but Erstad probably has some idea of how to play the position. If Uribe is unavailable then Cintron will be playing SS fulltime. If that's the case, then they'll need Mackowiak to play more infield (where he's more experienced than the OF, where he played most of last year). I can't see them having all of those guys on the roster on
  20. White Sox to sign Darin Erstad. Podsednik to have groin surgery. Per the White Sox radio affiliate.
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