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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. I believe on the macrumors live updates of the keynote speech or whatever it said a MULTI-YEAR EXCLUSIVE deal with Cingular, which seems like it would just be crippling.
  2. Well, he's not eligible yet. But the consensus in here seemed to be that he doesn't deserve to get in.
  3. Things I learned from VC baseball threads: Jim Rice should be in the HOF, but not Jeff Bagwell.
  4. Like the Newton, this might be neat and ahead of its time. However, the price and kinks might not be worked out till someone else perfects the idea.
  5. No, I don't think anyone takes it seriously. Just like no one takes the Grammy's seriously. It's just fun when someone you like gets in.
  6. Is this the first year REM was on the ballot? I wonder if Stipe pulled some strings or made some statements to get Patti in at the same time. She has been on the ballot for some time. Horses is one of my favorite albums. Like Lou, I also like some of her newer stuff--Gung Ho, for instance.
  7. Are the Giants implementing a Thunder and Lightning quarterback duo?
  8. If Doug Mientkiewicz can keep landing starting/platoon jobs then Ross Gload deserves one somewhere. I'm not sure if that's what the Royals have planned for him.
  9. I probably have the market on embarassing repetitive movie watching. In that I've seen Last Action Hero 15 times or so.
  10. I've known a Mara and a Maura. Both nice girls and happy, so far as I could tell. I imagine the name is more common in bible-thumping circles.
  11. I believe that The Man Who Wasn't There was the last time.
  12. What's interesting about second basemen is, offensively speaking, most of them are interchangeable. There are a few elites that bat +.800 OPS. Past that, among qualifying players, there is not much difference between Brian Roberts (#9 at .757 last year) and Mark Loretta (#22 at .706). Essentially, year to year variations can thrust them from near the bottom of the pile to near the top--Loretta was at the very top in 2004.
  13. I was bummed when Coke bought Odwalla. Also, the price did not go down in that case.
  14. I resolved to know the difference between Jeff Daniels, Jeff Bridges, and Beau Bridges. One and half days and still on teh wagon!
  15. The Carlos Lee contract also seems pretty bad. A few of these teams are going to regret this summer when the economy turns south and attendance stops going up. Someone's going to have to explain to me what the Onion article has to do with people disliking the Cardinals.
  16. That was really good. That too. NR: Good as well.
  17. Shit a brick. I can't believe that this has devolved into an argument over whether using the n-word is all that bad. What he said was much worse. Angry, not racist? Please. Angry racist, more like.
  18. What he said was far worse than just using the n-word. Free speech goes both ways. Someone can act like an idiot, and (most of) the rest of the country can call a spade a spade. Also, where was the funny?
  19. What was it they said about Mel Gibson? You can't pour alcohol on a turnip and make it say anti-semitic things. "No one's ever said anything while drunk that they hadn't thought while sober." -Ron Cey
  20. Are the video files in the right folder?
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