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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Washington Post: worst team to ever make the world series http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...6102000032.html
  2. If you are confident you can get the C, I say get it so you can bank the credit. A C on a one-credit course should barely affect your GPA at all. You'll save a little scratch and not have to worry about the credit.
  3. Do they make public defenders run through obstacle courses these days?
  4. I think he's saying it doesn't involve Wilco, and yet it is part of time.
  5. I got an infection from tearing my fingernail on an onion bag. True story.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88hY2ot1mNo
  7. The fact that we've stopped evolving is one of the things that makes us human. We take care of our weak and infirm. -paraphrase of my dad, a paleontologist.
  8. The Yankees are paying him $16 mil per (Rangers are picking up the rest). He's arguably a bargain at that price. There was talk of Crede and Buehrle/Garcia/Vazquez for A-Rod. The salaries almost match up and that would be a trade that would probably benefit both teams quite a bit. If I were the Yankees, I'd want Garcia, who looked incredible after he added a pitch.
  9. Name one good thing A-Rod did for the Yankees? Had a few good/great seasons?
  10. Congratulations, a new record time for running a joke into the ground.
  11. http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/content/news_syn...1018bible.shtml Finally I can get my hands on that bible the Christian right takes their cues from.
  12. For the record, Jeff Weaver has been bad several places. Reclamation projects are the Cardinals' specialty. It might just be that their pitching coach is that much better than the Jankees'.
  13. It's not clear what led up to it, but the officer slammed some kid on the ground who didn't appear to be acting aggressively.
  14. Record-setting futility by the edge last night. Never has a running back had that many carries and still averaged under 2 yards per.
  15. He's not jewish, although last year a talk radio host was accused of preferring him to Orton because Grossman was Jewish. And Rex had a horrible game to the very end. He had nothing to do with the win.
  16. That team was tougher, this team is a hell of a lot faster.
  17. That roughing the kicker call was terrible.
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