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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Yes, I've been on a soapbox about it in this thread. It's one of those "What happened to my country?" moments.
  2. I heard that his wife is a major promoter of these ideas, possibly using adjectives like "historic."
  3. I enjoy his music. I often like his more modest arrangements (Seven Swans) better. That said, sometimes I can really go in for some enthusiastic bombast. I'm not sure who implied he was a savior. I've heard that Pitchfork likes him a lot, but I don't keep up with that so I don't know what they've said. One concert review I read said that his earnest American music might mark the end of the post-modern era. That was probably overstating things--especially since I think his act is somewhere between kitch and earnestness--but I don't think most reviewers have said much along those lines.
  4. His pants are too tight. The blood had to go somewhere.
  5. Dear Caliber, Kobra Kai, Cobra Commander, Nag and Nagaina--what do the storytellers of the world have against Cobras? Your friend, Hiss Efit
  6. Might Houston be the favorite to return if they get in?
  7. Thanks for that. There's a pretty darn good performance of The Transfiguration up there as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxNiuuvIDbU&NR
  8. Ken Starr: this bill violates the constitution.
  9. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/editor...ment-editorials
  10. Remember when the Duelfer report came out and the Bush administration said it confirmed everything that they had thought about weapons in Iraq? http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/artic...5-2004Oct6.html They were successful in spinning it so that a good portion of Bush voters thought that the report said nearly the exact opposite of what it actually said. http://www.heartheissues.com/differentworlds.html "To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion
  11. 2+2=5 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15035936/site/newsweek/
  12. Wills are a legal matter, not a matter of would or should. If he had put it in his will that, in the event that he died on camera, the footage should be aired on television then no station would be obligated to air it unless he had made prior arrangements with them--failing that, I assume most would defer to his family. If I wrote in my will that I wanted my body hung from a flagpole in front of U.S. Cellular Field for 14 days after my death, no one would be obligated to do it, and I'm sure my family would think it distasteful and not helpful in the mourniwing process. The main purpose of w
  13. I've gotten the impression from interviews that he's agnosticish.
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