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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. I won't pretend to know the answer. Knowing that there is a problem is the start and I'm unapologetic about that. However, I do think that a lot of legislation that has been proposed or passed over the last 15 years or so has taken us in the wrong direction. Changing the definition of exempt and non-exempt workers so fewer get paid overtime, rolling back the estate tax and dividend taxes, taxes on the top income bracket, etc. I know you didn't bring it up, but I'm really not interested in talking about my personal financial situation any more than I'm interested in talking about yours. Anecd
  2. Again, good personal advice, but obviously not everyone can be an exec. You're talking small picture, I'm talking big picture. Pray to God (big picture) and row towards shore (small picture).
  3. Obviously working hard and saving is good advice for anyone. However, this commentary suggests that American workers, as a whole, have been working longer and more efficiently, yet still losing ground (relative to the career life cycle of their parents). If it were just a matter of international competition keeping wages down, then you'd expect to find a similar supression of wages amongst top-level executives and diminished returns for investors. On the contrary, they are reaping of the benefits of this increased productivity. Essentially, the American pie is growing, but most people are seei
  4. http://www.boston.com/news/globe/editorial...ther_wage_loss/
  5. No, the program Soulseek will not mess up your computer. It's possible that something you download with Soulseek might, but it never happened to me.
  6. Regardless of The Maker's lack of tact, I think he made some good points, namely that Highlands is about yearing. So stop with this "it drones on and on about nothing" business. It drones on about yearning, and it's repetitive and nearly ceaseless just like said yearning.
  7. Loss of speed up the middle? Only with Mackowiak. Honestly, Rowand, hard as he plays, is a bit of a spazz (kamikazing into Chase Utley? Wtf) and isn't Anderson's equal defensively. They replaced a HOFer with another HOFer who is at a more productive part of his career. Their offseason boner seems to have been trading Chris Young, Vizcaino, and El Duque for Vazquez. It seems like Viz could've shored up a spotty bullpen and Young could've competed with Pods or Anderson for a spot in the outfield. It seems he would've been a huge defensive upgrade over Pods and likely an offensive upgrade, not
  8. It's been done. http://archive.viachicago.org/index.php?sh...p;hl=mayonnaise
  9. She has been on an ill-advised anti-Highlands campaign recently.
  10. So GM has gone out in using The Dandy Warhols' Bohemian Like You in their current ad campaign. Most of what they play just has "ooh-ooh-oooh's," but they include the line "you gotta great car." Missing is the reasonably apt subsequent line, "What's wrong with it today?"
  11. I just took my new horse of a bike out for a spin. :sweaty
  12. His swing never really looked pretty. It changed when he stopped getting the calls on inside pitches and eventually he became a dead-pull hitter. I think one could make a case for him as the MVP. Simply because I think he's more important to the A's success than any other player on any other AL team in contention. How many of his homers have given the A's the lead or tied a game?
  13. Yeah, I guess my point is that, given that they are better with RISP (against everyone), it doesn't surprise me that they are also better against the division leader. Then again, I'm one of those strange people who still think that such a thing as a clutch hitter exists.
  14. Yeah, I guess you're right. Dye vs. Tiggers: .417 .470 .817 1.287 Crede vs. Tiggers: .352 .400 .685 1.085 They're both generally good in the clutch, too. Dye w/ RISP .364 .432 .760 1.192 Crede w/ RISP .373 .415 .555 .970
  15. White Sox knuckleballer Charlie Haeger looks nasty. I love september call ups.
  16. IRememberDBooneLookedAboutAsFatasKirstieAllieWhoHerselfIsNotReallyThatFatJustFat ForHollywood
  17. http://www.eugenemirman.com/audio/Anti_Gay...e_Company_I.mp3 http://www.eugenemirman.com/audio/Anti_Gay..._Company_II.mp3 http://www.eugenemirman.com/audio/Anti_Gay...ne_Call_III.mp3
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