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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Javier Vazquez has modified his delivery a tad bit. White Sox fans are holding their breath to see if he can avoid his patented 6th inning meltdown.
  2. It's not super complicated. The kids are out of school, the parents are working, and they want the kids to do something else besides watch The Price is Right and eat Spaghetti-Os
  3. There wouldn't be any places to eat if there was no greasy food. Foie gras and smoking I'm all for restricting.
  4. Nice weather and thus the desire to be outside and not on the computer. I think that's what she's talking about.
  5. Paul Newman's ranch dressing tastes too much like mayonnaise, I mean, what the hell.
  6. Gary, http://archive.viachicago.org/index.php?ac...st&p=163250 I knew it wasn't A-man (though he did get his fair share in) because he doesn't have a car or live in New Jersey. Like I said before, it's insignificant--just funny.
  7. Why is it wrong that ction was aroused whilst in a room with himself? Is he supposed to leave the room during coitus?
  8. Obviously it's a breast she doesn't want them to see.
  9. Yes. You said it'd been long since you had a snog, and he said that sounded so good it was almost worth it to drive from New Jersey. And then he threatened to strangle me with a phone cord.
  10. 90% of the stuff on The Discovery Channel is 40% bullshit, which comes out to 36% bullshit quotient.
  11. Gary flirted with Kate before we went out and before anyone knew who he was. I've never forgiven him for that*. *This is true, but it's not something that needs forgiveness.
  12. Dude, weren't you paying attention? He said the snout wasn't satisfying. You should go for the gills or eyes--the soft parts.
  13. Now it's even more obvious. The awkward stab at using a comma won't fool anyone.
  14. Wookies is lame, but I don't think I that was him. I think it's pretty obvious.
  15. It was so lame that it's ______ (fill in obvious poster here).
  16. I think I may have seen those ads, but I'm not sure I've ever consciously paid attention to them. Oh, and Gary says he's four-square against all forms of pedophilia.
  17. Gary said he's really upset about what you think the little bears should or shouldn't have wiped.
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