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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. So, how did you know someone stole her underwear? Did she announce it to the 'mat?
  2. This is what, a year and a half old and then some? It's about ready to collect interweb social security. With that said, it's still funny.
  3. Or all of it up and then some. As much as I've enjoyed these last two White Sox wins, they really need to sweep to make this series meaningful. Beforehand, I figured they needed to go 8-2 in these last 10 games with the kitties to make the division close.
  4. Justin Verlander took the loss for the Tigers at Chicago. Verlander is 0-3 with a 9.88 ERA in three starts against the White Sox this season. He's 14-2 with a 2.20 ERA in 19 starts against all other major league teams this year.
  5. Average = mediocre. Why is it that he has a $15 million payroll when teams make ~$30-60 million without selling a single ticket?
  6. It is, in fact, so stupid in an apartment complex. Especially repetively. Especially when you're the only group of kids that plays outside together. I'm sure pounding away and giggling on the second floor catwalk was real inconspicuous. According to Em, she was not involved, just there. She would run away because she didn't want to be the kid left standing there. Yet she did it over and over. Likely story.
  7. He sat on the stage during his own performance.
  8. They had great pitching and defense last season. They are still +20 this year, but damn.
  9. I never want to see Rob Mackowiak in centerfield for the rest of my life.
  10. Yeah, I was hoping there was someone on here who could speak spanish and answer the guy's question about the tracker. Given that my mom doesn't know anything about this stuff, I think something would be lost in the translation.
  11. Oh lord. I'm not going to send someone a response run through babelfish. Bittorrent stuff is hard enough as it is.
  12. A dude from Spain PMed me about registering for the tracker. I don't really speak spanish, so I can make out the gist of his message, but can't write a response. Let me know if you can help and I'll forward along the message.
  13. I did a search...they were on Austin City Limits. Bright Eyes sat on the stage.
  14. One storyline, which lasted a week from October 23, 1989, depicts Garfield awakening in a future in which the house is abandoned and he no longer exists. . . some theorize that the end of this storyline actually implies that the rest of the series, the more conventional strips, are all fantasies Garfield is playing out in his head to delude himself from realizing the dark turn his life has taken, as he slowly starves to death in an abandoned house.
  15. http://maxmagnusnorman.com/artist_blog/art_day_188.shtml
  16. well, I knew it was spelled Beatle Bob.....just used a semi reliable reference to back myself up --Reni
  17. More like having other kids throw foam at your kids' head in an unstructured environment is healthy.
  18. From a distance, you could see the wheels turning in Carrot Tops' mind.... "Being a comic never got me the kind of trim I was hoping for. Not even Chairman of the Board! What about steroids?"
  19. http://health.msn.com/pregnancykids/articl...37&GT1=8404
  20. Yeah, there was a Nintendo game falled Exodus with Moses doing whatever. Sucked.
  21. Were you the guy I saw on someone's roof near Pasadena circa 1989? Was that weird smoke a distress signal or the output of a distressed engine?
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