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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. That still gets me teary-eyed. The lady wasn't doing them no harm. Good for the immune system.
  2. I'm also not buying into the idea that they're "not [that] different" because they're apparently from a similar moment in history. I assume, if one cared, one might compare the lyrics themselves rather than their chronology.
  3. Let's play devil's advocate. He's drawing from the same pool as he has for a long time (apparently--I don't have Adult Head, so I'm assuming the original poster is correct). Could he be scraping the bottom of the barrel?
  4. Yeah, I'm tapped, so I promise no more stepping on toes (for now).
  5. I'm not sure if you realize this and I'm stepping on your line, but that's not actually ction.
  6. A little piece of me dies every time Paul Konerko hits into a double play, which happens frequently.
  7. Ozuna LF Gooch 2B Crede 3B Thome DH Konerko 1B AJ P C Anderson CF Uribe SS Sweeney RF Wow. Yeah, that's fine, aside from Thornton and MacDougal (since they got him), big Bobby has been the only consistently good member of the bullpen.
  8. Bobby Jenks was just sent back to Chicago with a hip problem. Oh boy.
  9. There was a guy at my work who wore shoes like that. I'm not sure if that's the reason he was the first one to be layed off.
  10. Hem: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...iendID=22344117 Check out "Half Acre" I bet you can get Kris to buy it for you. It has a song about Pittsburgh! I can not contend with your contention.
  11. http://espresso.repubblica.it/dettaglio/I%...0Puglia/1373950 At least this isn't your job.
  12. Apparently he was the first person in Australia to be killed by a stingray in 60 years. One wonders how/if he was manhandling the creature, as seemed his custom.
  13. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060904/pl_nm/bush_dc
  14. Please someone take my invites as well. They're rotting. Same provisos apply.
  15. (Especially older) athletes in many sports have cortisone shots pretty frequently. It is not an anabolic steroid. That doesn't mean it's without its health problems, though.
  16. I didn't say anything you brought up was out of context, however, I think it's kind of silly and dodging the issue to say that people worried about the country's workers (not necessarily, although themselves likely included) should just try to be an executive. Warren Buffet has written about similar questions. Should he just try to be an executive? “If class warfare is being waged in America,” he wrote, “my class is clearly winning.”-WB http://money.cnn.com/2003/05/20/news/buffett_tax/ "government can't deliver a free lunch to the country as a whole. It can, however, determine who pays for lun
  17. This is a total straw-man. No one's suggesting that people should stop working or trying to succeed. Is it somehow lazy to ask about systemic problems? As an aside, it seems a bit out of whack to me that our society would encourage what I assume to be one of the country's best and brightest to sleep in his office so that he can sell more cell phones. The upshot is that he helps produce jobs for people and makes a product that people find enjoyable and useful. His family, in one way or another, likely bares the brunt, however.
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