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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Or at least more in favor than the Republicans.
  2. http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=3905146 Jermaine O'Neal to the Heat, Marion to the Raptors. There have been rumors floating around that Amare to the Bulls is done and that Phoenix is waiting till after the All-Star break (he's a starter for the West, I believe, and it's in Phoenix).
  3. Pretty direct correlation, since steroids have been, at least in the short term, good for the game's bottom line. And labor disputes are bad--potentially very bad for the bottom line.
  4. You know, I know you are trying to be a realist and that that's the sort of thing that's generally encouraged in our society. I also realize that Lincoln had more than purely ideological motivations for freeing the slaves. You can't look past that he did free the slaves, though. Real people in real bondage and that sort of thing. Referring to it as "the slavery card" just seems incredibly trivializing.
  5. Not that the North was gung-ho about abolition as a whole, but you have to admit that waiting around and hoping for slavery to die out is incredibly immoral. You could make the argument that such a position would be conservative, though.
  6. http://www.fannation.com/truth_and_rumors/...ign-as-bulls-gm Rumor: Paxson to resign.
  7. It's an act. You can see him holding in a laugh around 3:15
  8. 26th. I think the White Sox were too busy drafting Kenny Williams' son in the 7th.
  9. Privately owned, but publicly subsidized in most cases.
  10. Dunn to the Nats: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/base...ts/?eref=sircrc 2 years @ $10 million each
  11. It's something that she said that he said. She could be making it up, he could be making it up, or it could be true.
  12. Knicks winning percentage with Isiah as coach: .341 With D'Antoni as coach: .412
  13. I would definitely be cautious in saying that. He has AIDS according to the allegations in a lawsuit.
  14. http://www.fannation.com/si_blogs/hot_stove/posts/49261 Bobby Abreu signs with the Angels for 1 year @ $5 million. Some of these teams are going get great years out of these low-priced veterans.
  15. I believe that Selig's testimony was only that there was no punishment for it before a certain date, no?
  16. Yes, smoke is pulled through the water and the smoke bubbles up to the top of the water From wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hookah-lookthrough.svg
  17. Nefi Perez has tested positive for PEDs, so it is a good idea to suspect him. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/base...nded/index.html
  18. This was what was confirmed to be in the test. But was that the only thing he was taking?
  19. We don't really know what A-Rod took and didn't we know what came up in a single test--I figure he was taking that and may have been taking more.
  20. NHL Gamcenter and MLB.TV package deal: http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20...rtnerId=rss_mlb MLB.TV is also $10 less this year if you buy the whole package up front. They changed the format to flash-based and I hear that it will be a lot better.
  21. Writeup on Dayan Viciedo for anyone who is curious about the Cuban: http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/baseb...0,7953078.story Vicideo taking BP: http://mlb.mlb.com/media/player/mp_tpl_3_1...cid=mlb&v=2 He's a big boy.
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