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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Of course it's a viable answer, but I imagine it always has been. They have been reluctant to use sponsors in the past. I guess it makes a certain amount of sense IN THIS ECONOMY. And I see it as just another one of those same business decisions. Another brick in the wall.
  2. I'm sure. But wouldn't a corporate sponsorship have lowered ticket prices in the past? Again, what has changed?
  3. I care a wee bit because they've made a big deal about not doing it in the past. So what's changed? It just seems like yet another sign that the main motivation at this point is the money--if it ever wasn't. I say this as a huge fan. Edit: When they were called on it with the iPod thing (granted, they weren't paid for the ad per se), Bono said something about Apple making beautiful machines in a world full of ugly things. What's he's going to say about Research In Motion? Probably some fluff about connecting the world together.
  4. Wasn't NBC essentially paying him a retainer fee for a year or two in preparation for the show?
  5. Those of you doing the fantasy baseball dealie may look in the very late rounds (or in free agency or whatever?) at Gordon Beckham, White Sox' top 2008 draft pick. He's never played higher than high A (unless you count the Arizona Fall League or big club spring training), but at this point it is looking like they may move him to 2b because they have a bunch of scrubs competing for a spot there. He may break camp as the starting 2b or may be a May callup. A similar value to Alexei Ramirez last year--may not play at the beginning, but should provide some decent pop if he does get to play later o
  6. Buffalo is on the border and would like to play some games in Canada (and did play one there recently). http://www.usatoday.com/sports/football/nf...nto-cover_N.htm
  7. Cross-referencing the box score with their provisional roster, seems like this guy: http://minors.baseball-reference.com/players.cgi?pid=19073 and this guy: http://minors.baseball-reference.com/players.cgi?pid=16 pitched the last two innings.
  8. Did you like Adam's weird garbage bag t-shirt and Larry's is-it-a-shirt-or-is-it-a-vest-gold-thing on Friday?
  9. Just watched the bottom of the ninth of Netherlands v. Dominican. Fun stuff.
  10. A lot of his best drumming is on that album, imo. The group said they were rushed and didn't get it mixed the way they wanted. Then they re-recorded/remixed several of the songs for the greatest hits 1990-2000. And the newer versions are just so bad. So much worse.
  11. Thanks for the shoutout? I'd wager that more people here like Son Volt than not.
  12. Get the new album for $4 on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/No-Line-On-The-Horiz..._19690_11489230
  13. That was in 1994 when the revenues were much lower--the players would've received $1 billion (granted, in 1994 dollars) as opposed to the $2.4 they receive now. Also, that deal would've been better for the younger players (arbitration for only 4 years) and worse for veterans than the current deal. It could be argued that, had the salary cap been in place, revenue would not have jumped to what it is now. My guess is that the big market teams have driven the revenue increase and that they may not have been able to had there been a cap.
  14. Orlando Cabrera reportedly signs a 1 year, $4 million dollar deal with Oakland. That's exactly half the minimum amount he would've received had he accepted arbitration from the White Sox. Although the White Sox told him he would be a backup had he accepted.
  15. I don't totally buy it. The fact that young players are paid very little is why the proven veterans can be paid a lot. MLB says they made $6 billion last year. Median team salaries for MLB rosters were around $80 million. Assuming that the mean is similar, then they paid MLB players around $2.4 of that 6 billion (40%). That does not include minor leage bonuses, marketing, stadium costs etc. I don't know if the $6 billion revenue number includes minor leage revenue--though I imagine that it does. Sure, there are a lot underpaid young players. There are also a lot of overpaid old players. All
  16. Jose Contreras lost a bunch of weight and is scheduled to pitch at some point during spring training. Pretty amazing considering his age (50 is not out of the question) and the fact that he ruptured his achilles in August (he originally had a target return date of June).
  17. Because it was in the wrong forum before. Jules quoted your post and I saw it and moved it.
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