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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. I guess I don't understand bonuses that aren't tied at all to company or individual performance. Retention? So they just get a bonus for keeping their seat warm? Why isn't that just part of the executives' salary? I would think the higher salary would be enough of a retention incentive. What am I missing, here?
  2. They also left out the part where he said the fundamentals (that is to say, the bottom lines of the companies) don't matter--the market matters. Err, I missed some of the stuff they did use or they did use more in the uncut version of the interview.
  3. He never went to Yale, which I think is a requirement for being in Skull and Bones. Said group has been in the news recently: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.p...oryId=101626709
  4. So, I see they used some of that vid in the Stewart interview. They used one of the parts where he expressly recommended what I gather to be illegal manipulation of the market. They used the part where he said he wouldn't say this stuff on tv (to which he lamely replied that he was on tv during the current interview). They did not use the part where he recommended getting bullshit rumors into the press--including CNBC! They did not use the part where he kinda sorta endorsed price fixing.
  5. I watched this instead: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqVU0-SPZzE
  6. So, uh, can I see it on that site? Or is this a waiting thing for a while?
  7. I confess that I thought it was legit for a few seconds. Maybe I can get TheMaker to cop.
  8. You forgot to log in as captain obvious or read the last few posts. /Captain Obvious.
  9. Would've been good if he played the camera on Kamera.
  10. You could probably be charged under several statutes for that. /Captain Obvious.
  11. Corporate name + time = tradition. Heh. Wrigley Field, etc.
  12. I don't think he/she meant liberal as an antonym to conservative.
  13. Well, it was "New Comiskey" for a while there. I don't think the original park had always been called Comiskey, though. Apparently it was "White Sox Park" from 1909-1912 and 1962-1976.
  14. Huh. I've never gotten that impression. That timeline that Tualla posted was pretty interesting. She basically started out as a scenester.
  15. It seems like it would be miserable to be in one of those clubs.
  16. I'm sure it will be something like The Sears Tower presented by Willis.
  17. 5 posts up, bub. He was railroaded into not taking one. Didn't stop him from asking.
  18. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbys...ter-outcry.html
  19. I believe there were two original Mods, Narziss and LLP. From there they were added piecemeal, so far as I know, until a large crop was added all at once when we had a large spam problem and the board ownership changed.
  20. Sometimes people ask to have their accounts removed. Banned accounts are often, if not always, deleted as well from what I can tell.
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