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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. I think they went in tracklist order for the singles on the last two albums. I could be wrong, though.
  2. Insurance company slash-fiction... Ed. the world-weary Allstate agent, was working late one night when...
  3. Neko's new album has a song about the animal uprising: http://www.spinner.com/2009/01/28/neko-cas...s-peta-to-blow/
  4. I think he meant it was significantly better than expected.
  5. What's the appeal of the box set? I don't know what's in it, but I'm certainly not going to buy it. I may pick up the LP. I like "Unknown Caller."
  6. I will probably buy it, but I figure they owe me for the deluxe edition of HTDDAAB, which cost something like $30 because it included a book of scribblings.
  7. Hmm. The album version of the title track is better than the B-side version.
  8. Many people have suspected Pudge for a long time. Big size drop, big power drop, Rangers player, etc.
  9. This post comes from the future-past! It includes thanks for several posters.
  10. Not really. It's embedded other places, but the embedded video comes from youtube.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/swf/l.swf?swf=http%...ngth_seconds=19
  12. Yeah, but I would imagine that they have to weigh Amare's salary + luxury tax vs. loss of ticket and advertising sales if they're bad.
  13. Well, since most of the Amare rumors said that the deal would be done on Monday, I'm more or less figuring that Phoenix is wisely having second thoughts at this point.
  14. It was fun. And I'll probably look like the dude in the ad in 10-15 years. Except I won't have my hands on top of the bars. I think the bike has original parts, all the way down the tires (is that possible?).
  15. Ah, neat. Here we go: 1986 World Sport: http://www.trfindley.com/flschwinn_1980_1990/1986Ltwt22.html http://www.trfindley.com/flschwinn_1980_1990/1986Ltwt23.html Built on May 27.
  16. Could be! I didn't see it, though. I'll check again.
  17. Oh. Maybe! The dude I bought it from seems like he was big enough to ride it, though, so I'm thinking not.
  18. I have been told by the wife that the bike is sexy, but I don't really have those kinds of feelings for it. A good thing, since riding with a boner sounds painful.
  19. There's a rumor that Jason Richardson and Larry Hughes may be included in the Amare to the Bulls deal. Hughes' contract ends one year earlier, which would free up money for a 2010 free agent run for the Suns. So the rumored deal would be something like Tyrus Thomas, Thabo, Drew Gooden, and Larry Hughes for Amare and Jason Richardson. I don't buy it, contracts be damned, just because the talent is such a mismatch.
  20. I can't find my serial number I wonder if it's covered in grime.
  21. The cheap aspect seems to be a big deal for you. Would you rather that they used a Canon XL1 or something like that? Oh well. Carry on.
  22. I rode to work this morning for the first time in a couple of months. It was nice. I have a Schwinn World Sport as well. Early nineties model, I would guess. I bought it a year ago. I'm fixin' to put clipless pedals on it later this week.
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