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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. He looks kind of like VC's Dude in the NPR pic.
  2. I heard on the radio that the ads you describe are on more because they are the advertisers of last resort (they pay the least) and people are more likely to buy the cheap, supposedly money saving (snuggie-heating bill, pedi egg-pedicures) products.
  3. Well, is there anyone here willing to make the case that Rice was a good fielder? Isn't that what started the argument?
  4. They account for speed. They do not account for every variable, but they account for the most important ones. In the fielding bible, they also provide comparisons based on the dominant hand of the hitter and pitcher, home and away, etc. Dewan is the second or third most famous baseball statistician. That's his job and I'm sure he makes a nice living for himself. Keep in mind that a good portion of baseball is already subjective (strike zone, hit vs. error, etc.). The point is not to take all subjectivitiy out of it, but to come up with something better.
  5. Of course it's imperfect, but it's much better than errors and fielding percentage.
  6. I heard on the radio that Bush supposedly read 40 books last year and over 100 the year before or something like that. Huh.
  7. The scenario you described is actually exactly what the +/- stat was created for. Most people agree that errors aren't a good way to evaluate fielding. +/- requires reviewing video off all defensive plays over a season.
  8. I think he certainly deserves a look. Is he even on the ballot any more?
  9. You're right, actually. At least for me. I will care when Frank Thomas is on the ballot, but that's the only time in my life that I will (most likely).
  10. Laurie's is in Lincoln Square, not to be confused with Lincoln Park. Not trying to be a smart-ass, just don't want you to be confused/lost when you get here.
  11. Yes. Something about technology and the human heart or something like that.
  12. He is such a goof. IIRC, he recorded his part of the duet with Sinatra on a separate continent or something. They only met because they filmed a video for it. And his NYT column reads like a blog post.
  13. There certainly is a discussion. I just don't think the fact there is a discussion should be discussed in the discussion itself.
  14. So you're speaking his borderline status into existence. Impressive.
  15. Do you put a lot of stock in wins as a measure of a pitcher's success?
  16. I guess most of the remaining money is owed to Mark Penn's firm. Here's something I noticed in the stories about this: April or May or whatever, media reports that Clinton lends a total of $20 million to campaign December: Media reports that Clinton has been forced to retire the remaining debt her campaign owes to her--$13 million, but that the campaign still owes $7 million to Mark Penn's firm. My interpretation is that either the initial media reports were wrong (maybe Clinton only lent $13 million to begin with and Penn's firm lent $7 million in services) OR perhaps Clinton recouped
  17. Here ya go, Bobs: http://www.killercoke.org/ Plus it's not too good for you.
  18. Wasn't there a giant mural in Charlotte of him, Zo, and Muggsy Bogues? LOL (except I didn't actually).
  19. I had that problem when the Bulls drafted Joakim Noah. Noah is kind of like Tebow in some ways. I woud've eventually liked him if he had become a good player, but I knew he wasn't going to. So...
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