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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. He did a lot of pacing and gesticulating on the sidelines.
  2. Yes. Jules was making the sarcastic commie comment because he didn't understand why people were complaining about DRM (I think). I was explaining why it was annoying.
  3. The whole authorizing computer thing is really annoying if you have had an account for years and/or have multiple household computers and/or want to listen to your music at work. I don't think you can deauthorize your old computer if it crashes. The other MP3 stores (Amazon, eMusic) sell all their files without DRM.
  4. Is it hard to imagine that the end of WWI and the rise of Germany = a certain world order? The cold war = another world order. The end of the cold war and an era of US hegemony = another world order. The decline of US power and the rise of regional powers = another world order. In all cases it means something very specific (and new at the time), but different as compared to each definition. So Kissinger says that the new world order will mean different things in different places. He muses about a conference of ambassadors of countries that neighbor Iraq. He suggests that other muslim and re
  5. No. You said the same definition was present in both links. I suggested otherwise and asked for specifics. You pointed to the Blair quote and I provided an alternate interpretation based on the actual text (not to mention the location of the speech). In fact, the rise of Asia is antithetical to a one world government, as eventually there will be more than one superpower (and the US may very well no longer be a superpower itself at some point in the next century). I am not asking you to do research for me. I am only asking you to back up a very specific claim that you made. China and India
  6. The Brown text there seems to explicitly say that Asia has more power and importance now and that international institutions (G8, etc.) need to reflect that and respect their growing importance. What does that have to do with a one world government?
  7. Please tell me how you divine singular socialist government from the first link.
  8. Sounds like a cover story for wanting more money to me. Or his wife wanting more money.
  9. I think you are right, crytique. Ichiro, though, is a better fielder, has a career SB% of 82%, and isn't expected to hit for much power. That stance lends itself to slap-hitting and Ichiro is kind of a slap hitter. Ichiro, himself, is probably overpaid at this point. And now I'll toot my own horn about one of the few things I was right about last off-season. I was within a 100th of a percent when predicting his OBP (toot, toot). Of course, I was wrong about the average power thing. He was below average.
  10. Isn't that the way a lot of Japanese hitters hit? With a running stride?
  11. Anyone ever read Franken's Why Not Me? It was a little weird that he actually ran after writing that.
  12. I listened to some. I liked the songs, but there was something in the mix or the compression that almost gave me a headache. What, exactly, is this site's business model? Seeing as they don't seem to have ads, etc.
  13. http://www.whitesoxinteractive.com/vbullet...ead.php?t=77669 Good Aaron Miles story. What's left out in the summary is that one of the hostage takers claimed it was a drug deal gone bad. That is to say, the players weren't willing to pay for the product and started a fight. However, Miles is tiny, doesn't have much of an arm, and no power. He's a pretty significant downgrade from DeRosa.
  14. Heard on the radio that their internal calendar can't handle leap years.
  15. I think the flash memory ones are good. However, it seems (to me) like the spinning platter ones crap out at the 2 or 3 year mark. And that Apple never really cared, because they expect you to want a next gen one at that point either way.
  16. Not sure that Zune is a good alternative, but iPods certainly have their own reliability issues.
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