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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. It's similar to the Cubs' 8-year deal for a 31-year-old Soriano.
  2. Why did the Dolphins choose not to run, like, at all?
  3. Huh. I had no idea. That sounds like what happened to Tom Paciorek (except with Hawk in that case).
  4. It probably should've been Alexei Ramirez, eh? Kind of funny, since he was statistically a very bad 2B. He always had the physical tools, but this year he seemed to have better concentration.
  5. The A's have made a lot of strange moves during the last couple of years ($10M for Ben Sheets and the Matt Holliday debacle).
  6. I always liked him. It's amazing to me that he's only 76. He looked like he was 80 when he was still managing.
  7. People need drugs to get through the work day because they work in windowless offices with a bunch of jerks (everyone else).
  8. Right. Mine has blue LEDs. Like the sky. Minus the LEDs.
  9. It's kind of similar to SAD treatment (which is is more of a 45 degree angle than straight-on). Anyway, filtered coffee in moderate amounts is shown to have a net health benefit in study after study. Carm down.
  10. There's no way that the Marlins would consider trading Mike Stanton for any manager in the game.
  11. Here's a BS article that 2bobs will appreciate: http://www.suntimes.com/sports/deluca/2845568,CST-SPT-deluca29.article
  12. Pot roast made out of the children of your enemies?
  13. Does anyone think that they should eliminate the travel/off days? Then the strategy and roster utilization would be more similar to the regular season. On the other hand, the off days let the fans see more of the very best players. The Twins happen to have lost a bunch of playoff games in a row, but it's silly to think that they'll never win a series in the near future. They probably need more front-line pitching, but that's their only real weakness.
  14. Are any of the members red, though? Maybe the jim part is a metaphor.
  15. I suggest listening to I'm A Wheel until your ears bleed.
  16. The fans deserve a swift kick in the pants.
  17. Paper Airplane Pilots - The History of Flying got a fair amount of attention on VC. I suspect that these tiny record labels, like most record labels, are a thing of the past.
  18. I thought that Josh Johnson was having the best season before he got hurt.
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