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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/baseball..._of_genius.html This is a good article about Charlie Lau--a controversial and influential hitting coach.
  2. http://chicagosports.chicagotribune.com/sp...-home-headlines
  3. This was a pretty good one: http://archive.viachicago.org/index.php?showtopic=6843
  4. This thread made me put on The Execution of All Things. It's been a while.
  5. The Smurfit-Stone Building doesn't look right in the movie. I think it's a model. The skyline they show at the end is four buildings that coud've been plucked from the Chicago skyline, but it's a composite at best--it's not a real skyline scene.
  6. Not much real Chicago in that movie. Apparently it was filmed in Toronto.
  7. Vazquez is in the zone and... they finally got the Buehrle contract done!
  8. I think Javy is a little better at this point, but their career ERAs are real close and Garland has pitched his whole career in the AL. Why do you think that is?
  9. Javy Vazquez told me that he's going to teach Jon how to have a high K/BB ratio.
  10. Ok, whatever. I still maintain that he will have an ERA in the mid 3's just like 2005. He was off his game and would've been pulled in the second or third in a normal game.
  11. Ok, did you burn them to the VIDEO_TS folder? Also, I'm half in the bag so we're in this together.
  12. No idea what the record is for runs given up in a double header in the modern era, but the White Sox are going to challenge it tonight. I'm hitting the bottle.
  13. What type of files did you download (file extension)? Does it play on your computer?
  14. Holy crap. Mike Redmond was hit in the head with the business end of Jim Thome's backswing. He bled all over the place. Hope he's alright. The Twins had to bring Joe Mauer in from the DH spot and now their pitchers will have to bat.
  15. It was indeed crazy. Ended with a bases loaded strikeout. White Sox have Gavin Floyd fresh up from Triple A in the second game. He's been absolutely shelled in the major leagues up to this point. Might have position players doing relief work if we're lucky. He's done very well this year in AAA so hopefully he has figured something out.
  16. Seriously, though, how do they evaluate DUIs for drug cases? The drug expert just gives thumbs up or thumbs down? Does that hold up in court?
  17. I was amused that he was cleared by a "drug expert." I really don't know what that means.
  18. I swear he said something like that--and joking that maybe he could get a bacon endorsement deal. I can't find any trace of that, though.
  19. I remember Brady said he was just eating more bacon in the mornings.
  20. Apparently it just uses the Windows plug 'n play driver. That's why you're not finding anything.
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