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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. Haha! Whose marriage was he protesting here? Or was this the original moustachio wedding? Please send along my sincere congratulations and love, Nicky. What a lovely lady. Mazel tov!
  2. Ron Cey sings Hanukah Spam from his album Yankee Hotel Blow Me.
  3. It's a bio, so probably the drunk part doesn't come until further on in the book. Be my guess he dies from it at the end too. I find interesting that whole group of people who popularized Buddhism in the west in the late 50s and 60s. A cautionary tale if you will. As it were. Your suggestion is duly noted.
  4. Yesterday Sarah and I were in charge of packing up her Grandma Polly's books in preparation for her move into the city. Polly is a Doctor of sociology, and what an incredible collection of literature, most of it non fiction. She gave me this one, which I just started. I have the feeling it's going to be a fascinating read:
  5. I am perceiving my cans with both my hands and my mind RIGHT NOW!
  6. Would it be conjecture to say that the Maker is a mean drunk, and would we need to have some empirical process in place to scientifically prove it?
  7. The other tune is even better. I dig the addition of the pedal steel way more than the keyboard on Brothers. Really looking forward to this release.
  8. Seems like his banneration is up this month. Is this thread title a thinly veiled homage to Don Henley?
  9. I'm wondering how many times Sarah will say, "The Office starts Thursday!"before next week. Since last week she has said it a half dozen times.
  10. Also, can I get out of this thread without getting any onus on me?
  11. If I was any good at photoshop it would have. I wanted it to say I am Jack's war on war too, but that's kind of long for the bubble.
  12. I have this LP in my stack with Bethanydear's name scrawled across the front. True story. I offer: I pity the fool.
  13. You're awfully fucking dogmatic for atheism not to be your doctrine.
  14. I'm sure you won't be surprised by this, but just today the thought came into my head, "Tracy is a true socialist. Yep. :yes"
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