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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. This is like me saying: 'I don't really care for black people myself - for the simple reason that they are really rude. I had a black man yell at me few months ago while I was walking, telling me I had a nice ass for a white girl". IT IS ABSURD TO JUDGE ANY GROUP OF PEOPLE BY THE ACTIONS OF ANY INDIVIDUAL IN THAT GROUP. Not just absurd, but dangerous. In the aspect of spiritual belief and practice, the weapon of intolerance can be held with equal damage by the practioner or nonpractioner.
  2. He was toward the back of the stage leaning down and facing Pat and John when he did it. It seemed more for their ears than ours (or his own amusement). I would be surprised if it was audible on any of the recordings, and unless one was looking at the stage from that side, probably wouldn't have even noticed it. Sometimes, sugar, you just have to be there. And I wished you were.
  3. I know alot of pepole think that, but really he's not.
  4. See, now I blew sunshine up your ass, and I really didn't want to have to do that. Yep. She's my little rock and roll. (Sherriff Glenny tshirt, made by Tweedy's Gurl, signed 2 years ago by the whole band.) OK. I'm really a bit of all right. I'd rather head down to Festus and Kimswick to see dinosaur bones or do some fishing.
  5. It was a few months before the eponymous album was released. That night twisted my young mind forever.
  6. B52s~ 1978 Pretenders~ 1979 Neil Young~1979 Bruce Springsteen~1979 David Lindley~1981 (all time favorite show) Tom Waits~1981 These also rank as some of my favorite shows ever. With the exeption of Neil Young and Bruce Springsteen, all of these were in tiny clubs. During the late 70s and early 80s I also saw Dylan a handful of times, but I wouldn't really brag about it. :/
  7. I hate to blow sunshine up everyone's asses, but my daughter and I saw Jeff before the show and he was smiling radiantly. Virtually bursting with health and good cheer. Shocking, I know.
  8. That's where my daughter and I were standing, at the rail. Huh. Well don't be shy and demure the next time.
  9. Hug? What Snodgrass tune do you want to hear tonight?
  10. I'm sorry you missed it. oceanman said after sound check, "I can go home now."
  11. I looked for you. Where were you standing? That VIP deal always sucks. With a cocktail waitress working that section, there were plenty of folks real liquored up, one dude that I was surprised remained on his feet the whole show. We were on the rail, meaning that section was in constant motion back and forth in front of us. An hour before the gates, they opened three gates instead of the one where us band nerds had been queueing up. I really don't know that I would go see another show there. If I did, at least I would know the protocol. Especially since Columbia was the last show I saw. A
  12. The rain finished up about mid afternoon when we were all sitting down for lunch. The night was perfect. My concern was for the venue ground which was soggy mulch when Sarah and I were there earlier in the week. It was an interesting juxtaposition of Wilco doing soundcheck, while a crew spread dumptrucks of dry mulch on the ground. Sarah had a great time. I was nearly blinded by her bouncing ponytail. Periodically she would turn and kiss me out of sheer exuberance. She seemed to experience the music in such a pure, unfettered way. So fun to share that with her. (Now I know what it would
  13. Just a terrific show last night. Super high energy, and the crowd was giving it all back in spades. Tweedy, "You're a really infectious crowd. I didn't want to have a good time tonight." There's just something about these midwest shows. Hopefully someone will post what seemed like an unusually long setlist. Fireworks in the sky downtown, then more fireworks during Spiders above the stage. Plenty of Elton jokes, who was performing a couple blocks away. (Off mic Jeff sang a sweet couple bars of Tiny Dancer, though.) Lovely rendition of At My Widow in soundcheck. I'm really digging how Nels i
  14. Pulled pork has been dined upon, Wellies are on, and we're off!
  15. Those picnic tables are going to look like Noah's ark.
  16. It hasn't rained this much in ages. The absurdity tickles me. Safe travels, all.
  17. Fun! I figured they hit town yesterday. Should be good and soggy on the dance floor tonight. Might have to wear my Wellies.
  18. I think it's about damn time for another casa M. (hris bonfire.
  19. These two would be on my list as well. How can this be?
  20. Pure love and healing beams like a laser heading straight to the tough & tiny girl in the big city.
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