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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Because it's a completely futile exercise. Someone's gonna vote.
  2. You can't argue that pee from a healthy person isn't sterile. And if you're standing IN A SHOWER, why would it matter if you got a little liquid on your toes that will immediately be rinsed away?
  3. Oh, I agree. I was just responding to the knee-jerk post about overpopulation. There's definitely some major philosophical implications - although they are not creating life from "not-life," they're just making kind of a Frankengenome.
  4. Why should Jeff Tweedy care what song is played before or after Wilco's in the Hard Rock Hotel shitter?
  5. If I don't pee when I'm in the shower, there's something wrong.
  6. Production and distribution methods probably factor into the decision process re: sentencing. Heroin does not equal Oxycontin.
  7. The other poster is sugggesting that heroin has the same active ingredient as oxycontin, codeine and any number of opiates that come in pill form, which is true, but not quite the same thing.
  8. You also failed to use proper punctuation. edit: not you, carlos. You have a point as well.
  9. You misspelled "then." Or perhaps that was Doug.
  10. Mark Rypien quarterbacked the Redskins to the Superbowl. What's your point?
  11. Pills and DUI. Does he have anything else on his record?
  12. So Eli Manning is not a shitty quarterback compared to the guys you've watched on the Dolphins. That's a different matter, and I'll buy it. None of those guys played very well while they were on the Dolphins. None of them were #1 overall picks who refused to play for the team that drafted them, either. The Giants, and Giants fans, rightly expect Eli Manning to be more than a "decent" quarterback. Maybe this latest run is the beginning of his emergence as a dominant QB.
  13. He's had some shitty games. Probably the biggest (legitimate) gripe NY fans have with him is that he's inconsistent. It's not so much a matter of him being the worst quarterback evar, but of not meeting potential. Knowing what he is capable of (genetics + some flashes of brilliance on the field) makes it more difficult to forgive him when he sucks. This, of course, from a Redskins fan who until recently has been living in New England and hears about Eli mostly on SportsCenter.
  14. The ones who were complaining that he was playing like shit while he was playing like shit?
  15. How could it possibly matter to you if a band puts a record out or not?
  16. Ah - I knew I wasn't right. I didn't get Mulholland Drive at all. On topic, I bet those metalheads wouldn't either.
  17. Yeah, I'm ornery today. Sorry about that. Is that Geoffrey Rush in your avatar? Looks like an actor we know in Providence.
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