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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. I didn't see the part of your post about the one chick giving up grade points for illegal immigrants...
  2. Is you avatar a butt plug?
  3. Also, and I am sure I am just overlooking something (since I've only tried at work), but I have no idea how to get a game to start in the solitaire version. When I click "Login," it pops up a new window to the regular Scrabulous login page, and then I can't find a link back to solitaire. Of course, if I just close the new window, the already-open solitaire page does not recognize that I am logged in. Can someone give me a hint?
  4. NPR attributed it largely to the unseasonably warm weather. Maybe we should move elections to the second weekend in June.
  5. That brunch was the first thing I thought of when I heard.
  6. The announcer in the first link has to be from Bawdimore.
  7. West Virginia is tearing shit up.
  8. That might have been a valid argument after the third Son Volt album. The two solo albums and the two most recent SV albums have shown some development of of theme and style, I think. Then again, "Straightface" would have been pretty out of place on either of the first two. Piano, horns and Jet Pilot? Nothing like anything heard from Jay before. Space Junk? It's no Krautrock, but it sure ain't "Windfall" or "Punch Drunk." And does it really matter who sells out the Vic faster? How long would it take Daughtry? How sad is it that that's the best current pop culture reference I can come up with
  9. Wow. Virginia really gave that one to the Red Raiders.
  10. Exactly. Your job (and responsibility), as a football coach is to play as late into the season/playoffs as you possibly can, period. If that means putting your starters on the bench in week 17 so they're fresh for the playoffs - thus giving your team the best chance at succeeding in these more meaningful games - then you shouldn't feel obligated to play them. It's only bad sportsmanship if you purposely tank a meaningless (for you) game at the end of the season to sabotage another team's playoff chances. Then again, if a team doesn't want to be in a situation where they have to depend on oth
  11. One can stick a finger in someone's face without intending to injure the eye.
  12. Even Bryant Gumbel, who is a moron, had that one right. Wilfork stuck his finger inside Jacobs's facemask, but he wasn't trying to gouge his eye out. If he wanted to poke him in the eye, he could and would have. As far as the unnecessary roughness penalty goes, none of the replays I saw (and I assume you saw the same ones, unless you were at the game or in the NFL Network booth) showed the entire situation following the play on the sideline. Even if there's no smoking gun of a Giant pushing someone on the Patriots down, so what? Refs blow calls all the time. It's been pointed out that Randy
  13. Right, because the entire Giants sideline wasn't massing around the guy who pushed Hixon out of bounds. They were just standing there, minding their own business, and the refs threw a flag. Completely out of nowhere. There was clearly jawing going on back and forth, and no doubt it was provoked (somebody probably said something about a Giant's mama) - but it often happens that the second guy is the one who gets the flag, and that's how the game has gone as long as I can remember. If you don't want the flag, don't push people after the play is over. "He started it" isn't a valid defense. Regard
  14. Over/under on how long before H-Bomb Henry attempts to convince everyone that the establishment/refs gave the game to the Pats?
  15. I have fond memories of $2 pitchers of PBR at the (now defunct) Dixie Bar & Grill in DC during my college years.
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