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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. The American version, or the BBC version?
  2. I'm surprised you care either way, considering 1816 was like 300 years before you were born.
  3. Rainn Wilson was on Saturday Night Live one time.
  4. Hugo Chavez has introduced legislation making abortion & SUV ownership compulsory.
  5. I also saw Rainn Wilson last week as one of the (good) aliens in Galaxy Quest.
  6. I don't really think about whom my emoticons care to have sex with.
  7. I suppose you'll say something else to the people mistakenly incarcerated at Guantanamo for the last six years, right?
  8. For clarity's sake, I was responding to the second half of this statement, and not suggesting that one should not be allowed to buy an SUV, should one want an SUV. There are a lot of things the government tells me I can't do, and I'm just fine with it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go dump a barrel of mercury in the stream behind your house. Doug said he likes the pretty colors it makes.
  9. If Doug wants to go out and spray a busload of nuns with an M-16, should he have the freedom to do that as well?
  10. My agreement with the rest of this post aside, the problem with General Sherman's (and therefore Bjorn's) logic is that Confederate soldiers and other American secessionists from the 1860s don't exactly equate with Islamic fundamentalists of the 21st Century. The same methods will not produce the same results.
  11. I'm not certain that everyone at Guantanamo has been proven (or even claimed) to be members of al Qaeda.
  12. Where does the concept of due process of law fit in among all of that?
  13. The holding call was solid. You can make a case that Gaffney didn't control the ball through the touchdown catch, but what happened to Ben Watson was a textbook defensive hold. And the league set it up so that the "best" games can be moved to the evening slots late in the season, for ratings. It is what it is, but please explain to me why the NFL shouldn't want a team with a chance to go undefeated playing in one of their prime time games every week? I'm not a Pats fan, but I recognize that they should be playing night games every week.
  14. That guy posts here. Shuck Owens.
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