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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. There was a lot of stuff happening that day. Perhaps someone got a report that WTC 7 was in imminent danger of falling, someone misinterpreted that to mean that bldg 7 had just fallen, and it got into the live report. Remember, these people (not just the on-air talent, but the production staff as well) had been working for hours without a break at that point, and I'm sure there was information coming from every direction at once. It doesn't surprise me in the least that someone missed that one.
  2. Why wouldn't it be pronounced "Chee-pote-lay," like the pepper?
  3. That's exactly the impression I had when I listened to The Reminder yesterday. I liked the two songs from the SNL performance, but for the most part the album just put me to sleep. I'll check out Let It Die at some point...
  4. Rivi would be the plural of "Rivus." I'd say the plural of Rivas is something like "Rivades." Definitely a third declension, that one. Saltalamacchia?
  5. Is that the only alternative to not buying into 9/11 conspiracy theories?
  6. I hope you notified and appropriately compensated the RIAA.
  7. If last name #638 is Thefrog, Kermit 638 would be Kermit Thefrog. You know what #638 is, however.
  8. The kid at UF at least understood what the officers wanted him to do.
  9. Should be front & center when you click the link.
  10. There's a drink called a Snakebite, which is lager and hard cider. Apparently (according to wikipedia), it has come to mean Guinness and cider to some people. You ought to be able to find Irish hard cider (Magners is one example) in larger liquor stores. I'm sure any kind of non-Woodchuck hard cider would work fine, though. edit: looks like myboyblue beat me to it.
  11. Somebody needs to tell Joe Buck that Antwaan Randle El's last name is not "El."
  12. Gary, you're totally missing the point. What the hell do the African babies care what I do with their lollipops after I've bitten their heads off? It's not like they still have any tastebuds. And on that note, I'm done with this thread. I tried to read the last couple pages last night and my head almost exploded. Every one of you people is fucking batshit.
  13. It's a fallacy to apply U.S. job standards to jobs outside the United States. What's the median income in the countries where U.S. companies are paying local workers "less than 10 cents an hour"?
  14. One of the guys in the band actually fed himself to a starving family in Rwanda. His name was jc4prez.
  15. I can't watch Youtube at work, so I'm just going to pretend that's the "Every Sperm is Sacred" segment from The Meaning of Life (specifically the grand finale).
  16. I'm going to feel bad if Nancy K is the last post in this thread. I'm just saying Jeff Gilooly is out of prison, if you see what I mean.
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