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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. I thought of that, but if we address it up front, we won't have to later. Sort of a "they know that we know that they know..." kind of thing.
  2. Yeah, maybe we could add that to the "Archivally minded" bullet point - "This means that, unlike other live music file sharing sites, the shows hosted at archive.org are intended to be permanently available," or something to that effect. Well, I got that straight from the archive.org "letter to the artist" template. Their language is "we don't use mp3," which means that they're not exactly enforcing that principle if there are mp3s on the site. Perhaps we should change it to "we discourage the posting of mp3s."
  3. This was just sort of a mishmash. The remains of one 7lb Oven Stuffer Roaster (minus legs & half of one breast, which were eaten at another sitting) One large onion, diced Two bell peppers, seeded and roughly chopped Two serrano peppers, roughly chopped Five cloves garlic, minced ~One quart of tomato sauce Two 15 oz. cans of beans, drained (I used one black & one canellini) Chili powder, to taste Sweat veggies for a few minutes over medium heat (add garlic at the end), add chicken & warm through. Add remaining ingredients, bring to a boil, then simmer until desired thickness is a
  4. Is that so odd? Dan Marino entered the league when he was 22. So Brady was 23?
  5. Probably not, because if memory serves, both this thread and the Hillary thread were started by lefties...
  6. So because democrats are pussies, you are going to vote against some guy who posts on an internet message board? Am I reading that wrong?
  7. You're actually only giving them 20% free, if you're working 50 hours a week. You should work more.
  8. Also, why the eff wasn't Roisin going as Ginny?
  9. You can close this thread, since you started it. Should be a "Moderation options" pulldown at the bottom left of the page.
  10. "I just thought I should post in this thread."
  11. I don't know whether Chronicles of Narnia is now, or ever has been, in the library at that school, and neither do you. I would imagine that its pseudo-Christian imagery might give it a pass if it was. I don't know. It wasn't part of the story I read about the school removing the Harry Potter series from its shelves. As for it being done after Dumbledore was "outed" by the author, I don't know. Maybe it played a role, maybe it didn't. Maybe one of the parents finally sat down to read one of his kids' books, and decided she didn't like the content, and complained to the staff. As I said, eith
  12. The school's actions in no way interfere with the children's access to the Harry Potter books. They can get the book anywhere else that sells or lends books.
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