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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. The Grand Canyon was created, not as is commonly believed, by Paul Bunyan dragging his axe behind him, but by Joe Torre's nose when he fell off his bike as a kid.
  2. Yeah, but Ray Nagin is an asshole, so fuck him.
  3. Joe Torre sneezed in mid August 2005, and set in motion the wind patterns that would become Hurricane Katrina. He has yet to apologize to New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin, despite demands that he do so.
  4. That, too. My heart goes out to you and your family, Jen.
  5. caliber66


    Is that not what I said?
  6. caliber66


    Your brother married your mother's sister?
  7. caliber66


    My mother's sister's husband's brother is my aunt's brother in law, not my dad. Unless my mother and her sister married two brothers, in which case, my m's s's h's brother might be my dad.
  8. And, of course, the difference is, he didn't choke in the playoffs and his teams won the championship both years.
  9. Yeah, I saw that, too. I'm getting too fucking complacent.
  10. When you finally take the division crown away from the team that's held it for MORE THAN A DECADE, you cut loose a little.
  11. True, true. I was of course thinking of the big Belgians I like (tripels, dubbels, etc.) and not the little Belgians I don't like quite so much (Jean-Claude Van Damme...I mean, "witbier"), although Hoegaarden and the like are just fine, really. I agree that you can find some very good expressions of the European styles (especially the hoppy ales, which have just gone crazy) by American brewers. edit: that was a lot of typing for one shitty JCVD joke.
  12. Not exactly what you're looking for with beers that age well, though.
  13. How about the Bottle Rockets/Coffee Creek?
  14. Why would one assume Jay cares about that?
  15. Looks like more than half have been rescued by now...
  16. Why do you assume Jay is unhappy with his situation?
  17. I had that in Sonoma this past July. Tasty.
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