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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Please explain why the existence of the holocaust should be called into question.
  2. I fucking tivoed the Redskins game so that I could see them beat the shit out of the Giants in the first half and then give their uniforms to some D.C. high school (W.D. Woodson, I bet) JV team for the second? What the fuck was that shit?
  3. Right, because if you repeatedly refuse to comply with police directions, then resist arrest, they are just supposed to let you walk away.
  4. It was in England that a South Asian non-terrorist student was shot to death on a subway by plainclothes policemen for doing nothing more than walking out of a house and getting on a train.
  5. Well, if you're a fucking bomb maker, common sense dictates that you don't fucking put something that looks like what you do on your shirt when you wear it to the fucking airport.
  6. It doesn't matter whether or not she said bomb at the airport. She put something on her shirt which looked like a bomb and wore it TO A FUCKING AIRPORT. Do your performance art at the fucking park, not at the place where people are perhaps more sensitive to such a situation than anywhere else in America.
  7. Yeah, cops wearing armor = fascism.
  8. You're fucking kidding, right? She wore a device on her shirt that was meant to look like a bomb TO PICK UP HER FRIEND AT THE AIRPORT. Huh?
  9. I named my non-VC fantasy baseball team (now playing the third-place game!) after Lisa Nowak.
  10. Kinda funny, but not really. The best part is the end. But even that isn't that good.
  11. black lady who can pop her eyes out of her skull getting tasered
  12. It's not a stretch if he was kicking the cops while he was on the ground, which he was. on the ground ≠ subdued
  13. attmepting to kick police who are trying to subdue you ≠ non-violent
  14. I saw some Australian chick kick the ball into the goal this morning, and then a bunch of Canadian chicks cried.
  15. I'm pretty sure some people from here went up there in the last couple months. IIRC, it's still both there and pink.
  16. I was kinda hoping for Disorderlies 2: (the Remaining) Fat Boys in Space, but I'll let it slide this time. Good luck!
  17. Shit (npi), how do you think he got ction's address?
  18. Considering there's a video on his website of him holding up a giant posterboard that says "HARRY DIES" at a busy intersection on the day Harry Potter #7 came out, it seems he likes to stir the soup a bit.
  19. I have said it before, and I'll say it again now: There has not been a better vocal performance in the history of rock music than Richard Manuel's in "Jawbone."
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