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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. I have reported you both to SkyGod.
  2. That sure is one sweet-ass dance (as opposed to "sweet ass-dance," of which I have no knowledge either way) he did. I remember a very little of a standup routine some guy (no idea who anymore) did on Rick Astley. In fact, the only part I do remember is a snippet sung to the tune of "Never Gonna Give You Up" that goes "big black voice in the body of Howdy Doo-dy." I thought it was pretty apt then, and I think it's pretty apt now. You got a problem with that?
  3. The Red Sox have never played, and will never play, the Yankees in the World Series. That was the ALCS.
  4. They were just saying on WEEI that the home plate umpire has one of the larger strike zones in the league, so there's that. It's a little late for the sweep, as the Red Sox won game 1.
  5. Yes, Catholics eat a lot of fish. I don't know that I've ever heard anyone use the term. I think I got it from a Stephen King book, maybe.
  6. Also, Jews are both a particle and a wave, just like light.
  7. Well, I'm asking you. Is it a racial term, or is it a religious term, as it is used? If one calls a Senegalese Jew a kike, but not a Semitic non-Jew, is it a racial term?
  8. Calling someone a fool for believing in god (which is what you're doing) is a direct verbal assault on one's beliefs. Pretty much no different than calling someone a kike, or a heeb, or a mackerel snapper (which is actually kinda funny), or whatever religious epithet you want to throw around.
  9. Are you saying Ron Paul's gonna get a turkey neck too?
  10. Motherfukker did walk into the hospital after getting shot in the chest.
  11. OMG HES SUCH AN ASSHOEL. dig dig digga da dig dig digga da [karate chop]
  12. Caught the end of IATTBYH on Sundance, was just finishing reading something else, thought I'd see what a couple years' perspective did for the book. Above all, I came away with the feeling that Kot tried a little too hard.
  13. Oddly enough, I just reread the Kot book, and in it Jeff says he did throw up during the argument, and it was portrayed in the film as it happened in RL. Jay's the one that said it was cut for dramatic effect. IIRC.
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