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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. No, you completely marginalized the portion that does not object on religious grounds.
  2. Yeah, it was pretty clear to whom he was referring. The racism card was totally unnecessary.
  3. I had some Cisco in college. I definitely liked it better than Tbird or Night Train, but it's still awful.
  4. I am really, really, not going to get involved in the abortion debate, but that only makes sense if every person against abortion is in favor of war, and every person in favor of abortion is against war. Many people who view war as a necessary evil in some cases also feel that abortion is a necessary evil in some cases, but that both war and abortion occur far more often than necessary.
  5. Not to reopen this line of "debate," but apparently a huge group of religious people share a serious character flaw that makes them try to force Gulf Coast residents to believe in the fairy tale that their houses can be rebuilt. linky
  6. That is true, but this thread is about a Mexican immigrant who got into a car accident with Tweedling's wife.
  7. Ask Donovan's mom. She's the one "serving it up" to all his teammates...
  8. There's nothing wrong with giving your pet a pill to help calm her down when she has to do something she doesn't like. Very possibly, after a couple doses of Xanax, and a couple "good" nail trimming experiences, she won't look at nail trimming as a huge ordeal, and she'll be okay with the procedure without the drug.
  9. We were asked to show our receipt today on the way out of Best Buy, and oddly enough, did not feel the need to contact the ACLU.
  10. I believe the point was, nobody referenced Planned Parenthood in the original article, but did refer to abortion. "Planned parenthood" was Sarchi's euphemism...
  11. Certainly sounds like an overreaction on the consumer's part to me. That's an awful lot of hassle to go through simply to avoid reaching into your pocket and showing a piece of paper to some guy.
  12. ...which basically says that antidepressants are prescribed too freely, which is probably true, and does not mean that they are misprescribed in every situation.
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