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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Willful ignorance is 100% worse than just not knowing better.
  2. Your taste buds should try to educate themselves on how not to like nasty stuff.
  3. All of you people who like Miracle Whip have stupid taste buds. PigSooie is completely right in every way on this issue. In related news, I made myself another tasty meatloaf sammich last night for lunch today, and it's still in the refrigerator at home. Dammit.
  4. Meatloaf on Canadian white with Hellman's, microwaved. It was fucking awesome.
  5. I imagine it would look something like a cross between the Pat and Glenn ones.
  6. Shit, I keep meaning to check this out at home, but I also keep forgetting to. We'll see if it happens this evening.
  7. I imagine most people (adults, anyway) will put the toys on display as well, rather than play with them.
  8. Downloading commercial releases is still illegal. I don't know whether people at Oink get pursued by the RIAA, but I haven't heard anything about it...
  9. What do you do with concert posters?
  10. So I just watched the video (can't watch youtube at work), and it's not terrible. Which one is you?
  11. It's not exactly the same thing, but Soul Man ought to be included with that group, minus the titty-baring gender revelation, of course...
  12. I have read this book. I was disappointed by the lack of alligators.
  13. I don't know, but I'm moving there tomorrow.
  14. There's definitely context involved.
  15. That did have a source in PubMed, which means there's an article published in a medical journal (in this case, it looks like an Ear Nose Throat journal) on the subject. Granted, the abstract says they only tested eight(!) ears in the clinical trial...
  16. I love White Castle, but the thought of eating clam strips from there is going to make me sick for a week.
  17. If he's not under contract with the Red Sox, they can't trade him.
  18. I'm hoping Vinny Testaverde is still on the board when it's my turn.
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