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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Can we have this again, in English, please?
  2. And I always thought Emmitt Smith was a pretty stand up guy.
  3. If I could find my copy of this: I would be reading it. Instead, I am reading this: Which, eight pages in, is still holding my attention.
  4. Deserving players have been held out of the HOF before for stupid shit they have done. See: Pete Rose, Black Sox, etc. I absolutely recognize that Bonds was a great player before he started using steroids, but there's no way of knowing what his stats would have been without the juice, and that's a problem. And how is Bonds alone in being criticized for using steroids? He and Jason Giambi are essentially the only two active players (who mean anything) we know for sure that have used steroids (Giambi from his own admission, Bonds from the book), and Giambi caught a shitstorm when it came out tha
  5. Winning an MVP award ≠ breaking the biggest batting record in baseball. Sorry, it doesn't even come close to comparing.
  6. Sorry, bobbob, but that's a retarded outlook.
  7. caliber66

    Wilco gear

    We have a whole gear forum.
  8. I'm not sure that's what he was saying.
  9. Isn't "little rock tickets" a "Pot Kettle Black" lyric?
  10. Gallagher meets Jackson Pollock.
  11. That could mean an entirely different level of audience participation.
  12. "I stopped reading after page 3 when my balls exploded. -New York Times"
  13. Why is "I'm a Wheel" a political song?
  14. Unfortunately, at $60+, it's not going to find many casual buyers.
  15. Not freaking out on anyone. It just seemed you were rebutting the statement you quoted, which may have been a misinterpretation on my part.
  16. What does solo output have to do with anything when comparing what the two have done based solely on the output of the band while each guitarist was a member?
  17. John is on the bottom right, and I think it's Glenn on the bottom left, with Pat in the upper left.
  18. caliber66

    Jeff's Uncle

    Not unless Jeff's uncle is Pete Shelley.
  19. A single bone in one's spine is a vertebra. Vertebrae is plural.
  20. drinking beer from a can > drinking beer from a bottle. (good) bottled beer drunk from a glass > canned beer drunk from anything
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