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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. I could be mistaken, but I believe that story is also in I, Me, Mine, which I read recently.
  2. Oh, I agree. Just adding to the "drunks" angle. There was a bunch of coke going around in the 80s too, if I recall correctly. Pascual Perez, Daryl Strawberry, etc...
  3. Exactly. Jeff applies music theory already to the music he makes. So what's there to debate here?
  4. It was 1970 when Dock Ellis pitched his perfect game on acid...
  5. The same can be said for Jeff Tweedy and Wilco, and if so, what's the debate?
  6. I found it to be strangely beautiful. Different strokes...
  7. The most polarizing Wilco album to date?
  8. You seem to be changing your point. Clearly Jeff knows much (certainly more than three) of the above, and I'm not sure how having listened to Beethoven once would be a qualification for knowing the rudiments of music theory. If you're talking about Wilco applying the rudiments of music theory to their music, they do that already. If you're talking about more in depth training, I'm not sure they need to do any more. As has been pointed out, inserting theory for the sake of theory doesn't tend to lead to positive results. Jeff knows what he's doing, and I wouldn't presume to tell him to go take
  9. I (read: the wife) located the Bryson book, and I will read it after I get done with that new kids' book everybody's been talking about. Jesus Land is pretty grim, but also a fairly engaging memoir for the most part.
  10. Aprihop? I like that one, but it's definitely not for everyone. Midas Touch, too.
  11. You really should try to calm down a little.
  12. I am making friends all over the place today.
  13. I'm not sure that's the only alternative, as there is a whole lot going on in MLB these days, and football season is gearing up, plus there's a NBA ref gambling/score fixing scandal and the whole Atlanta Falcons' quarterback killing dogs for sport thing. I, personally, prefer all of that to watching Sportscenter's attempt to channel "US Weekly."
  14. For the record, I only asked him to clarify his question. I still have no idea what he meant in the OP. "Noch einmal, auf Englisch, bitte," was directed at Atticus, although I can see why that would not be clear. I'm honored to have made such an impression.
  15. I should probably say (and at this point it's pretty late in the game) - Lemmy, I wasn't trying to be a jerk above. I just didn't understand your question, and was asking for clarification. I understand second languages are difficult - you should hear me try to speak German sometime.
  16. Worth every penny. Also put me in the "don't get what the hype is about" camp re: Fat Tire. Tasty, middle-of-the-road amber ale, but I don't see what's so special about it. There are other amber ales out there that are (IMO, of course) just as good, and also happen to be available this side of the Mississippi. That said, drink what you like, and if you like Fat Tire, go for it.
  17. My point was, I could not, and still cannot, decipher the fellow's question, which is, it seems to me, a necessary requirement for answering the question.
  18. Noch einmal, auf Englisch, bitte?
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