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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. I found nothing about this show enjoyable, except for the blond chick that Dylan fired, who is pretty cute. Maybe I'll try again later, but I didn't see anything to keep me watching. What am I missing?
  2. Don't forget the cost to purchase and maintain the X-Ray equipment, X-Ray films, not to mention all the overhead (utilities, rent, maintenance) that goes along with running a medical center. Just because there's two minutes of face time with the patient certainly doesn't mean there's only two man-minutes of work being done...
  3. I listened to the Grateful Dead today. Wake of the Flood, From the Mars Hotel, Built to Last and In the Dark.
  4. At least I never killed a monkey.
  5. Who are you to say what they should and should not get out of it? Nice bit.
  6. There was nothing personal that went into that comment. Explain what the critic got wrong, besides not liking Wilco the way you want him to. SBS has wussy songs? Yeah, it does. Jeff's voice isn't as raspy since he stopped smoking? Sure. There were more "squeaks and bleeps" on YHF than there are on SBS? Yep. Then there's this:
  7. I've asked this question before, but I'll try again: Why is it that you think you get to decide what Wilco does and does not get out of marketing their music how they please? Nice bit.
  8. "Hey George, if I get cornholed ONE MORE TIME, I'm gonna talk."
  9. Nobody shut down the threads because people were expressing opinions. The threads were shut down because they were unwieldy. This thread is open, and you are free to express your opinion in it, just as you are welcome to read any of the other threads on the subject, all of which are still on the board.
  10. Hi Tracy. I guess critics exist to spark debate and/or provide a baseline for discussion through informed exposition on art (in whatever form). I'm sure the esteemed Beltmann can give a much more eloquent job description for the lowly critic. If my description is correct, I guess this guy's not doing too badly, depending on how informed you believe his opinion to be.
  11. I have one of these Transmits the song info to your radio display, if you have a newer radio. Like the iTrip it replaced, it works best when we set it to play and then tuck it under the sun visor so it's right next to the antenna.
  12. What are the odds that this dude is a street-teamer for Grimis?
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