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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Consumerreports.org has nothin.
  2. Right. I agree, all auto manufacturers should do a better job of producing more environmentally-friendly products. That does not mean that there are not degrees of oh forget it.
  3. You drive a car, you're perpetuating the problem. High horse or head in the clouds?
  4. Okay, man. That is one seriously high horse you've got there. I find it funny that you would call for moral relativism with regard to the Nazis and the Japanese and the murders of millions of people committed by each before and during WWII, but can't seem to apply the same relativism to automobile companies and their vehicles' emissions standards. As far as VW and gas mileage standards, I would guess that VW has always been somewhat ahead of the curve, since they have historically produced smaller cars than American auto manufacturers. I know that my 78 Super Beetle got about 35 mpg in 1992, w
  5. Braunschweiger I think it's chocolate cookie dough.
  6. Hey, I don't live in the DC area anymore, so everything I just said could be completely wrong. I've gotten killed by traffic heading to shows at Merriweather in the past, though, so the West side of the Beltway requires more time, at least in my experience.
  7. No, the reality doesn't match the image, according to the constraints you place on it. If Volkswagen made claims that they produce the cars that make the very least environmental impact (based on criteria from greenercars.com) out of all the cars produced today, then they would absolutely be making false claims. Seems to me, they claim to produce well-made cars that generally get good gas mileage, and that people who are environmentally conscious can feel good about driving. That is not a false claim, IMO. You really need to prove that Volkswagen is doing something nefarious, don't you?
  8. If you're going around the east side, taking Wilson Bridge out of the equation, an hour should be good. If you're going around the west (my horrible knowledge of DC neighborhoods is showing), the 270 split will fuck you up good if you leave at 4. Give yourself more time.
  9. We heard those commercials on 94.7 on our way through the area as we were headed to North Carolina last weekend. Neat.
  10. Yes, those are twelve vehicles that are not Volkswagens. I'm not sure what this has to do with anything, and I don't care much about Volkswagen's image, but they are generally well-made cars that get good gas mileage. That they don't crack the top dozen models doesn't faze me in the slightest.
  11. Actually, I found the wedding commercial to be kind of fun. See, the dude is using the AC to puff his shirt up, and that's why he's making that face. Seems like something I would do. Then again, I'm probably somehow related to Hitler, so my opinion on the matter doesn't count for much...
  12. Of course they did it for the money. NTTAWWT.
  13. I attempted to surf in the James River once. It did not go well. When he was a teenager, my dad was surfing with a guy who had his nose severed (nearly completely) from his face by his board's fin after he wiped out. Kinda killed it for me, not that we ever lived near the ocean...
  14. R-Rating = no children admitted without an adult Whether or not the two mouthbreathers who brought the kids in should be classified as adults is another matter...
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