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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. People only think of sand as irritating because marketeers tell them to.
  2. Thanks, Jimmy, but we're still pretty much on topic, and attempting to stay there, so we'll move to PM later. Thanks for checking in.
  3. He's a better person because he doesn't fall for the marketers' bullshit, man.
  4. Nice to see you're being so mature about learning to manage your feelings.
  5. Boog signed my ticket stub while I was in line once.
  6. You don't have to call me Waylon Jennings And you don't have to call me Charlie Pride And you don't have to call me Merle Haggard, anymore
  7. I was unfamiliar with this song before the commercial (which will come as no surprise to some), but if they didn't credit George Harrison (and Paul for the bass line), they completely ripped off "Taxman."
  8. OMG that one guy is going to be so pissed. He hates hippies.
  9. Seriously, man. It's just a message board. Chill out. There is nothing at all wrong about this thread, asshole.
  10. Yes, yes I did "c" "wut" you did "thar."
  11. With an angle grinder. Sideways.
  12. Jesus, give the girl a fucking break.
  13. one: I'm from all over. two: Calm down.
  14. Where I come from, busting balls isn't necessarily a bad thing. We all can stand to laugh at ourselves sometimes. edit: plus, that earl guy can go do himself with an angle grinder.
  15. Emmet Swimming - "I live next to Fugazi" from the song "Arlington"
  16. Anyone into MDMA? If so what are your favorite brands? Oh, forget it.
  17. I hope Doug Mientkiewicz is okay. That was a nasty collision.
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