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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. I imagine radio stations got permission in advance from the artists/record labels when they did such things.
  2. You really don't want an inconsistent Wang on your team.
  3. If you can provide some evidence for why someone should like, say, the Devil Rays, rather than, say, the Padres (outside of regional loyalties), and you can probably provide some evidence for why someone should like (or dislike) a particular player over another. It is, by it nature, irrational.
  4. I'm not sure that's the best example to use, if you're trying to convince others that the band has not sold out.
  5. Well, now that ARod's wife's been seen leaving the house with luggage, it may be all Bachelor Party 2: Electric Pajama Jammy Jam goin on up in the Rodriguez household. "ghost man on first"
  6. It's his product, and he has the right to expect it to be presented in his way and on his timetable.
  7. I can't believe I just did that. And it's totally off topic. Sorry, Sue. Thanks for the link to the blog - I always enjoy reading it.
  8. A-Rod was on first, and went to third on the play because he was running on a 3-2 pitch with two outs. edit: also, you have to figure he's expecting that treatment from the Jays, and thus may be better prepared for it than Clark was.
  9. Doesn't make it any less of a dick move.
  10. It's not clear they got the copy of the album from the White Stripes - "someone gave us a copy of a record that we were really excited to play" doesn't exactly say "this was a sanctioned event" to me...
  11. And yeah, I really only mean throwing pitches that are directed at the space being occupied by the batter, and generally the batter's upper half. Just throwing inside is not dickish.
  12. If the batter doesn't get out of the way of a brushback pitch, the pitch will generally hit him, so yeah, the ball is directed at the batter. This is a purely semantic argument. Like I said, it's fine in the context of the game.
  13. As for the brushback pitch being a dick move, if somebody burns a fastball at my chin, regardless of whether or not he intends to hit me, it's a dick move, as far as I'm concerned. It's part of the game, and the guy might be the nicest guy in the world, but I'm not sure I can be convinced that throwing a ball at someone is not a dick move. I'm not saying I have a problem with it in the greater scheme of things, and I understand why it's used, even condone its application, but it's still dickish. So are the hidden ball trick, stealing signs, the takeout slide and all manner of little things bas
  14. http://www.takeourword.com/TOW200/page2.html
  15. I just got a message that one of the people I invited had previously been banned. Fortunately(?) I have no idea who it is. Fortunately (for real) Oink did not revoke my invite priveleges. Do not ask for an invite if you have been banned from Oink in the past. You won't be allowed to sign up, and the person kind enough to invite you is putting him- or herself at risk.
  16. There is no question in my mind (based on the two replays I've seen) that he did not say anything like "I got it." It appeared that he said "hey," although I'll concede that it's possible, though unlikely, that he said "me." I say again, much ado about nothing. Nobody's going to get hurt on a phantom "got it" call - as bobbob pointed out, the problems arise when somebody fails to call for the ball. And shit like this (maybe not exactly like it, but just as devious) happens all the time.
  17. I imagine most people drive.
  18. Not a problem. Yeah, I think it is just a slipup. As Dan-O said, if you replace the song titles, you get: It pretty much makes sense, although I think she did mean to apply the "quietly reflective" tag to "Either Way." "At Least That's What You Said" does indeed erupt halfway through the song into "primal guitar-rock chaos," in stark contrast to the opener for Sky Blue Sky. It's a fair comparison.
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