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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. If it's their fourth best of six, it's really not one of their best, even if it's really good.
  2. caliber66


    I think the point was, it's good if you buy the CD, no matter where you find it. If buying SBS at Starbuck's gets you into the rest of Wilco's catalog, that's gravy. That's how I read it, but maybe I'm being overly optimistic.
  3. It's less cool to hate the giant corporation called "Volkswagen" than it is to hate the giant corporation called "Starbucks."
  4. caliber66


    Are you sure you're drinking it right?
  5. They should fire whoever was in charge of catching all the mistakes on "Dreamer in My Dreams."
  6. Unless the island is capable of switching around chromosomes (or Juliet is really Julius), I'm pretty sure Juliet's not the one in the casket...
  7. Photoshop Phriday is usually pretty good at somethingawful. Delve deeper if you get the chance. Sometimes a little repetitive, but a lot of quality there, too...
  8. It's also used in nonreligious context to mean "inspiration."
  9. IIRC, the chicks in the Looking Glass had a walkie, as does Jack. Consequently, Desmond shouldn't have to go anywhere to warn the rest of the group... Jack told the new head of surgery to call his father and to send him (Jack) home "if I am drunker than he is" or something to that effect... Again, IIRC.
  10. Is the best you can do rip on the fact that an entertainment network has been reporting this story? Got anything of substance to add?
  11. You might be a rock 'n' roll addict prancing on the stage, You might have drugs at your command, women in a cage, You may be a rocket arm, and pitch in relief, They may call you Doctor or they may call you Chief But you're gonna have to blame somebody, yes indeed You're gonna have to blame somebody, Well, it may be the tow truck or it may be the Lord But you're gonna have to blame somebody.
  12. Just having a little fun myself. I absolutely agree that chemistry is not necessarily going to be a major factor in a team's performance. I'm just saying it can have a much greater effect than you're willing to concede.
  13. Baseball takes a lot of concentration. The fewer things you have to worry about, the better, and if you're worried about your relationships with your teammates (and with management, and with the fans, bbf), that can be a big distraction. Distraction affects concentration. Lack of concentration affects play. Tell me baseball players don't get rattled.
  14. Bobber, nobody's pointing to player relationships as the reason the Yankees are playing sub-.500 ball. I'm just saying it's worth looking at as a reason. And since there's no way of quantifying it, I'll see your one game over the course of the season and raise you 45 games. Every team is going to react to dissention/cameraderie differently. It may have a negligible effect on the Marlins, or maybe they would be ten games under .500 if they didn't get along so well.
  15. Again, I'd say that the players' relationships often do affect their play, certainly more than you're letting on. Just because some teams have historically been able to overcome dissent among the ranks does not minimize the positive effects good cameraderie can bring about (and vice versa, the negative effects ill will bbf). ARod was putting up monster numbers. He cooled off considerably in May. I should know; he's on one of my fantasy teams. He's doing okay. What's Cano doing? How about Abreu? Mientkiewicz? etc.
  16. Once Bitten and what's the other one? I'm sure I should know. edit: My Best Friend Is a Vampire. Yeah, I remember that one, too.
  17. I don't get all my news from the Daily Show, but I did get that particular piece of news from that particular source. Jon Stewart is a pretty smart guy. He didn't get a J.D. from Regent University Law School or anything, but he does okay.
  18. I may have missed something.
  19. The Justice Department has been around for a long time, yes. Many of the positions within the Justice Department are political appointees, which is exactly what Monica Goodling was. I don't necessarily think it's a Democrat/Republican thing so much as just an overall integrity thing. Every administration uses political appointments as rewards and favors. It's a matter of extent.
  20. He doesn't have a point. Perhaps you could make the case that ownership doesn't have anything to do with what happens on the field (I would say it does), but the other three most definitely have an effect. Certainly pitching and player attitude. No question about those two. Managerial decisionmaking can absolutely have an effect on games, especially when it comes to late-game pitching matchups (Grady Little?). Ownership, too, can cause distractions which can affect players on and off the field, not to mention that ownership is responsible for putting the team together in the first place...
  21. The reason somebody "like that" can rise so high at Justice is because the administration placed her there. I don't have the stats, but I believe Jon Stewart did a breakdown of the education and/or experience of a number of high-ranking Justice officials. It's not pretty. They are there because the administration believes they will follow party line over the law, when called on to do so.
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