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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Floater and Me: A Logumentary
  2. Plus, she fucks up the floor in there something fierce. If I were new guy, I'd whack her with that goddamn broom.
  3. Or, you could start a petition to make all these petitions non-binding. Oh. Wait.
  4. You're not looking at her the right way. You just need to let her grow on you a bit, and then you'll get her.
  5. Yeah, I thought the first one was funny, but the rest was very uneven.
  6. http://www.dougiesgoingdeep.com/
  7. My mother went to Austin Peay.
  8. Well, that's kind of the point of the thread, isn't it? It's not the same band, and it's never the same band, album to album.
  9. I always use "Slip Sliding Away" to get songs out of my head. For whatever reason, it doesn't stick around to take the offending song's place after the job is done.
  10. It doesn't mean that, either. It means you think he plays better than Jay. I don't know. So? Wilco's not a jazz band.
  11. Sure, I'd love to see Max back in the band. He's great. That doesn't mean he can play like Jay can.
  12. It's "4 a.m.," and the song was written by Jay and Jeff.
  13. btw, I'm listening to Uncle Tupelo now, and I'm going to submit a petition that both Jay (F) and Jeff not be such dickheaded dickheads and not break up Uncle Tupelo in the first place.
  14. Jerry Falwell, repugnant as he was, was not Fred Phelps.
  15. Is that directed at me? I wasn't being snarky, merely pointing out that the headline writer used Jeff's own words. It's not as if Jeff said "I tweaked my ankle a bit and had to tone down the running for a while." The words in the headline are Jeff's, and were not conjured out of thin air. Sure, it could have been toned down a bit, since we all know Jeff's walking around fine and everything, but the objective of the headline writer is to get you to buy papers, or in this case, to click on the story. It appears to have worked just fine.
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